Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Put God first in all that you do,

and other things will fall into place.

- Coach Jay Wright


Practice hard, train hard,

work hard and play harder.

- Alcurtis Turner


Losers visualize the

penalties of failure,

but winners visualize

the rewards of success.

- Rod Gilbert


There are different eras

and generations,

but basketball is still the same.

Old school or new school,

the fundamentals of the game…

passing, dribbling, and shooting…

never change.

The styles and forms may change,

but from 1946 to 2006,

there’s been a right way and a

wrong way to practice and perform

these skills and that remains the same.

- Walt “Clyde” Frazier


It is most difficult in my mind,

to separate success,

whether it be in your profession,

your family, or as in my case,

in basketball, from religion.

- Coach John Wooden


To be a great player,

you have to be strong enough

to live with the consequences

when the shots don’t drop.

- Coach Jay Wright


To be Happy,

Love and Live;

Laugh and Give.

Live with Faith,

Hope and Enthusiasm.







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