Tuesday, January 16, 2024

011623 quotes plus

Fill All My Vision, Savior, I Pray

Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray,
Let me see only Jesus today;
Though through the valley Thou leadest me,
Thy fadeless glory encompasseth me. 


Fill all my vision, every desire
Keep for Thy glory; my soul inspire
With Thy perfection, Thy holy love,
Flooding my pathway with light from above.

Fill all my vision, let naught of sin
Shadow the brightness shining within.
Let me see only Thy blessed face,

Feasting my soul on Thy infinite grace.

Fill all my vision, Savior divine,
Till with Thy glory my spirit shall shine.
Fill all my vision, that all may see

Thy Holy Image reflected in me.

Lyrics: Avis B. Christiansen

Music: Homer Hammontree


You can have,

do or be anything

you want.

- Joe Vitale


All the world is full of suffering.

It is also full of overcoming.

- Helen Keller


When you are offended

at any man's fault,

turn to yourself and

study your own failings.

Then you will forget

your anger.

- Epictetus


You are never too old

to set another goal or

to dream a new dream.

- C.S. Lewis

He who believes is strong;

he who doubts is weak.

Strong convictions

precede great actions.

- Louisa May Alcott 

A sense of humor...

is needed armor.

Joy in one's heart and

some laughter on one's lips

is a sign that the person

down deep has a pretty

good grasp of life.

- Hugh Sidey


Take pride in how

far you’ve come.

Have faith in how

far you can go.

But don’t forget to

enjoy the journey.

- Michael Josephson


Great things are not

done by impulse,

But by a series of small

things brought together.

- Vincent van Gogh


Most of the important things

in the world have been accomplished

by people who have kept on trying

when there seemed to be no hope at all. 

- Dale Carnegie 




Boston… Peace of Mind





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