Wednesday, January 10, 2024

011024 quotes in honor of my dad's 84th Birthday...

Today’s quotes are in honor

Of my dad who is celebrating

His 84th Birthday today!


He blazed the trail for us

He instilled in us a

Christian work ethic


He taught us to always

Do the right thing

No matter the cost.


He taught us in

The spirit of Christ

What it meant

To be a servant

Of others…

Happy Birthday Dad!

- Hayden Childs








- Walt Disney 

There is no such thing

as a hopeless situation.

Every single circumstance

of your life can change!

- Rhonda Byrne 


success and failure aren't opposites,

they are neighbors separated by

a thin line... by a single decision...

the decision not to quit.

- John M. Rowley






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