Thursday, January 11, 2024

011124 quotes in honor of Coach...

It has been great to be

A fan of the

University of Alabama

The past 17 years with

Coach Nick Saban at

The helm of the program.


Here are some great quotes

By the greatest college

Football coach in the

History of the game.


Have a happy retirement



Roll Tide!


- Hayden Childs






“Win” to me means

What Is Important Now?

- Coach Nick Saban


As bad as you think

You want to win it.

I promise you the

Guys that go out there

And work every day...

They want to win it

More than that.

And I'm going to feel

A heck of a lot

Worse for them

Than you if they don't.

- Coach Nick Saban


Rededicate yourself to

The little things after

A loss.

- Coach Nick Saban

The process is clearly defined

But where do you fail?

The discipline to execute.

- Coach Nick Saban


There’s no “I” in team.

There’s an “I” in win.

- Coach Nick Saban


Play-off games are 60-10 games.

60 minutes to play the game and

10 minutes to live with it for the

Rest of your life.

- Coach Nick Saban


Do you want to be happy

For an hour, eat a steak.

Happy for a day, play golf.

Happy for a week, go on a cruise.

If you want to happy for life,

Ask If I didn’t show up today

Would anybody miss me?

- Coach Nick Saban





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