Saturday, January 27, 2024

012724 Coach Mike Ditka quotes...

If things came easy,

then everybody would be great

at what they did, let’s face it.

- Coach Mike Ditka


Some people are willing to

pay the price and it’s the same

with staying healthy or

eating healthy.

There’s some discipline involved.

There are some sacrifices.

- Coach Mike Ditka


People want a cop-out,

listen I’m a realist and I

talk about motivation,

talk about all the things it

takes to be greater or are

important to win and people

want to use excuses all the time.

- Coach Mike Ditka


It’s your body and you’re going

To have a much better life,

you are going to have a

quality life,

better lifestyle,

you’re going to be healthier,

you’re going to be happier,

you’re going to enjoy the people

around you and they’re going to

enjoy you more.

- Coach Mike Ditka


I don’t know how to put it,

but yet you know we have so

many people who the way they

look at life,

the way they work depends on

what happens,

us winning or losing.

It’s kind of crazy.

So, I kind of got caught up in that,

I’m gonna try to stay away from that.

- Coach Mike Ditka


Here’s what I tell anybody

and this is what I believe.

The greatest gift we have

is the gift of life.

We understand that.

That comes from our Creator.

We’re given a body.

Now you may not like it,

but you can maximize that

body the best

it can be maximized.

- Coach Mike Ditka


What you feel spiritually.

I think a lot of that has to do with it.

If you have no spiritual life,

chances are everything is going to

aggravate you,

you’re going to fly off the handle

at everything

and that’s what I did in the past.

I’ve kind of got that under control


- Coach Mike Ditka




Friday, January 26, 2024

012624 In honor and loving memory of Rayburn Leon Allison...

Today’s post is in honor

and loving memory of Lisa’s uncle

Rayburn Leon Allison

Who passed from this earth life

On Jan. 21st 2024

He will be laid to rest today

May God bless all the Allison

Family today and in the days to come…


-       Hayden Childs


“Casting all your care upon Him,

For He cares for you”

1 Peter 5:7


Does Jesus Care…

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth or song,
As the burdens press, and the cares distress
And the way grows weary and long?

Does Jesus care when my way is dark
With a nameless dread and fear?
As the daylight fades into deep night shades,
Does He care enough to be near?

Does Jesus care when I’ve tried and failed
To resist some temptation strong;
When for my deep grief there is no relief,
Though my tears flow all the night long?

Does Jesus care when I’ve said goodbye
To the dearest on earth to me,
And my sad heart aches till it nearly breaks,
Is it aught to Him? Does He see?



Oh yes, He cares, I know He cares,
His heart is touched with my grief;
When the days are weary,

the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.

Words – Frank E. Graeff

Music – J. Lincoln Hall


“Trust in Him at all times,

 you people;

Pour out your heart before


God is a refuge for us.”

Psalm 62:8


His tombstone reads …

Take time every day

to laugh, to think, to cry.

- Coach Jim Valvano


What you leave behind

is not what is engraved

in stone monuments,
but what is woven into

 the lives of others.

- Pericles


I’m Leaning on Jesus


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

012324 quotes plus...

Abraham Lincoln's

Favorite Devotionals


January 23


Lives a Life of Consecration to God


“Christian brothers, I ask you from

My heart to give your bodies to God

Because of His loving-kindness to us.

Let your bodies be a living and holy

Gift given to God. He is pleased with

This kind of gift. This is the true

Worship that you should give Him.”

Romans 12:1 NLV


Thine, wholly thine, 

I want to be; 

The sacrifice receive: 

Made, and preserved,

And saved by thee, 

To thee myself I give.

- Bagster


I’m Leaning on Jesus…

Cast all your care on Him,

He careth for you;

His promise is given,

His Word it is true;

He clothed the lilies,

The sparrows He feeds,

So tell Him your

Burdens and needs.


I’m leaning on Jesus,

He walks with me

Over life’s road.

I’m leaning on Jesus,

He carries my load.

- John R. Rice


A friend drops their plans

When you’re in trouble,

Shares joy in your


Feels sad when you’re

In pain.

A friend encourages

Your dreams and offers


But when you don’t follow

It, they still respect

And love you.

- Doris W. Helmering


A constant friend

Is a thing rare

And hard to find.

- Plutarch


Friends are people

Who help you be

More yourself,

More the person

You are intended

To be.

- Merle Shain


The Hope Downstream…

Travelers in the Sea of Life,
being guided by worry and strife,
floating rudderless toward desperate straights,
drifting aimlessly towards whatever awaits,
are tossed about on stormy waves,
awaiting departure to bottomless graves.

Oh, if only we could leave this ship
and loosen the chains and its horrible grip
of the burdens and sorrows that come with our plight
that's as deep as the ocean and dark as the night.
Who, if any, can save us now?
What can take hold on this vessel and turn its bow?

I hear the waves crashing from side to side,
no place to run to, nowhere to hide
from the fate that lies before us and the 

Turbulent wake behind.

These conditions are causing me to lose my mind.
I hear my heart pounding like an orchestra's drum;
my fears have a power I can't escape from.

Lost, tossed, battered, and beaten,
I lowered my head and prayed for a beacon,
a small light in the night,

something to guide this floundering wreck
towards calmer seas, dry land or a speck
of hope in a place where hardly is found
a glimmer of peace, only happiness drowned.

But wait! Can it be?
Is that the lamp of a lighthouse I see,
flickering dimly on this churning water?
Could we actually break free from certain slaughter?
I looked closely at the dim lit light
shining like a small diamond in this hellish night.

I had almost given up without a fight,
given in to the fears of the troubles that might
take away my peace and end my life
cut apart my soul as though with a knife
and bury my hope in darkness and doubt,
sending me into a spiraling spiritual blackout.

Lord, help me remember when all seems lost,
when my ship is battered, shattered, and tossed,
to look for a Light in the stormy sea
and hold tightly to whatever it might be
in the distance, as small as it may seem
and never let go of the hope downstream.

 - John Raines


Hope is the anchor or the soul

And those without it are adrift

Upon a troubled sea

- James E. Gibbons


“God gave these two things that cannot

Be changed and God cannot lie.

We who have turned to Him can have

Great comfort knowing that He will do

What He has promised.


“This hope is a safe anchor for our souls.

It will never move. This hope goes into

The Holiest Place of All behind the

Curtain of heaven.”

Hebrews 6:18-19


If you live without God,

You will die without God

(And without hope).

- James E. Gibbons




Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Put God first in all that you do,

and other things will fall into place.

- Coach Jay Wright


Practice hard, train hard,

work hard and play harder.

- Alcurtis Turner


Losers visualize the

penalties of failure,

but winners visualize

the rewards of success.

- Rod Gilbert


There are different eras

and generations,

but basketball is still the same.

Old school or new school,

the fundamentals of the game…

passing, dribbling, and shooting…

never change.

The styles and forms may change,

but from 1946 to 2006,

there’s been a right way and a

wrong way to practice and perform

these skills and that remains the same.

- Walt “Clyde” Frazier


It is most difficult in my mind,

to separate success,

whether it be in your profession,

your family, or as in my case,

in basketball, from religion.

- Coach John Wooden


To be a great player,

you have to be strong enough

to live with the consequences

when the shots don’t drop.

- Coach Jay Wright


To be Happy,

Love and Live;

Laugh and Give.

Live with Faith,

Hope and Enthusiasm.