Friday, December 30, 2022

123022 Basketball quotes...

Complacency is the last hurdle

Standing between any team and

Its potential greatness.

- Pat Riley


When a player keeps a calm

Demeanor on the court,

It’s easier for his ability to shine.

The best response to an opposing

Player’s physical or psychological

Tactics is to keep cool and come

Right back at him with the force of

Your game, not your fists.

Revenge is always sweeter if your

Team wins the game.

- Walt “Clyde” Frazier


Once you are labeled the best you

Want to stay up there,

And you can’t do it by loafing around.

If I don’t keep changing, I’m history.

- Larry Bird


When you’re a coach or athlete and

You win a championship,

You realize that the championship

Was really a work-in-progress.

What you went through during the

Pre-season, in the regular-season

And then during the post-season

Enabled you to win a title.

I treated the stages of my cancer

Treatment as the phases of a

Championship season and it kept

Me on track to accomplishing

My ultimate goal.

- Joe Marelle




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