Wednesday, December 14, 2022

121422 Christmas quotes...

Christmas the very word

Brings joy to our hearts.

No matter how we may

Dread the rush,

The long Christmas lists for gifts

And cards to be bought and given…

When Christmas Day comes there

Is still the same warm feeling

We had as children,

The same warmth that

Enfolds our hearts and our homes.

- Joan Winmill Brown


But I am sure that I have

Always thought of Christmas time,

When it has come around…

As a good time a kind,

Forgiving, charitable, pleasant time

The only time I know of,

In the long calendar of the year,

When men and women seem by

One consent to open their

Shut-up hearts freely.

- Charles Dickens


The earth has grown old

With its burden of care,

But Christmas it always


The heart of the jewel

Burns lustrous and fair,

And its soul full of music

Breaks the air,

When the song of angels

Is sung.

- Phillips Brooks




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