Thursday, December 08, 2022

120822 Christmas quotes...

At Christmas play

And make good cheer,

For Christmas comes

But once a year.

- Thomas Tusser


Happy, happy Christmas,

That can win us back to the

Delusions of our childhood days,

Recall to the old man the

Pleasures of his youth,

And transport the traveler

Back to his own fireside

And quiet home!

- Charles Dickens



That magic blanket that wraps

Itself about us,

That something so intangible

That it is like a fragrance.

It may weave a spell of nostalgia.

Christmas may be a day of feasting,

Or of prayer,

But it will be a day of remembrance…

A day in which we think of everything

We have ever loved.

- Augusta E. Rundell


In the old days,

It was not called the Holiday Season;

The Christians called it ‘Christmas’

And went to church;

The Jews called it ‘Hanukkah’

And went to synagogue;

The atheists went to parties and drank.

People passing each other on the street

Would say ‘Merry Christmas’

Or ‘Happy Hanukkah!’

Or (to the atheists)

‘Look out for the wall!”

- Dave Berry



Happy Xmas (War is Over)



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