Monday, December 19, 2022

121922 The Children's Christmas poem...

The Children's Christmas…

The children's Christmas is simple and bright
They sing the music, they laugh in the light,
Sparkling colors are a magical spell,
Their instant joy flows bubbling and well.

But round that tree I see a space,
Beside the table an empty place,
A voice is missing, a form of grace,
The sweetness of a little lost face.

A vacuum was left by the child who's gone;
Though all seems right, yet it's terribly wrong.
I'd give up my Christmas, and gaiety fine,
To clasp that small hand again in mine.

- Rosemary J. Gwaltney


In loving memory of our grand-son.

Colson Lee Clark

May 28th, 2020


“Till the last leaf shall fall” – Sonny James




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