Saturday, December 10, 2022

121022 Let It Be Christmas...

I will honor Christmas

In my heart,

And try to keep it

All year.

- Charles Dickens


Time always seems long

To the child who is waiting…

For Christmas,

For next summer,

For becoming a grownup…

Long also when he surrenders

His whole soul to each moment

Of a happy day.

- Dag Hammarskjold


The parent who gets down on the floor

To play with a child on Christmas Day

Is usually doing a most remarkable thing…

Something seldom repeated during the

Rest of the year.

These are, after all, busy parents committed

To their work or their success in the larger

Society and they do not have much left-

Over time in which to play with their children.

- Brian Sutton-Smith



Let it be Christmas




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