Monday, July 29, 2024

072924 post...

Napoleon Hill's Thought for the Day…

All enduring success is founded

upon harmonious human relationships.

Most of us are incapable of “going it alone.”

whether it is in our careers, our personal relationships,

or in life, we all need others if we are to achieve the

level of success we desire.

Besides, what’s the point of having it all if we have no

one we care about to share it.

You may choose to work with others, you may ignore them,

or you may choose to work against them,

but the greatest successes in life come to those who work

harmoniously with others.

When your personal goals coincide with those of another,

not only does the power of your combined labors benefit you,

but such cooperation also creates a synergistic effect that

allows you to achieve far more than the simple sum of your

individual efforts.


7 Secrets for a Happy Life
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

We all want to be happy, but something always gets in the way.

There is never enough time... or money. Somebody is always

failing to do what they are "supposed" to do... or not do.


Our boss, our spouse, our kids, our parents, our friends,

government, big business, whoever... "They" aren't doing it right.

"They" failed us. We are angry, and we have a right to be angry.

But is that righteous anger making us happy?


Happiness is not something anyone else can give us...

or take away from us.

Happiness is what we make of our lives... or don't.

Whatever our circumstances, we can create a joyful life...

or a miserable life.

It is up to us.


Here are 7 Secrets for a Happy Life…



1. Respect Yourself…

If I don't love and respect myself, who will?

It all starts right here with ME. If I think that I'm a pretty good person,

it doesn't much matter what anyone else thinks. And the irony is that

once I like myself, most everyone else will like me too.

People enjoy being around people who speak well of themselves…

not in an arrogant boastful way, but with honest self-appreciation.


2. Forgive Everyone for Everything…

Angry and happy don't mix. Flush out the angry, and the happy has

a place to put down roots. Until we forgive everyone for everything,

we hold on to anger and resentment. Once we forgive, we can

become happy. Forgiving is not a gift to someone else…

Forgiving is our gift to ourselves - a great gift - the gift of happiness.


3. Be Grateful for All of Life…

Each of us has been infinitely blessed…beginning with the gift of life.

Whatever may appear to be missing or broken on any day,

our glass is not half full, it is 99.9% full. More practically, when we feel

ungrateful, we become unhappy. When we choose to feel and express

our gratitude, the act of feeling and speaking our thanks creates a

happiness within us. The more we express our gratitude, the more we

have for which to be grateful. Today and every day, take time to

celebrate life…whether an hour's meditation in a quiet natural space,

or a brief moment's conscious pause to breathe deeply and celebrate

gratitude for life.


4. Choose Happiness…

Everything in life is a choice. There is never anything we ever "need"

to do. Every action and thought are a choice and has consequences…

pleasant or unpleasant. Whether you go to work today, change jobs,

smile at the bank teller, yell at your kids, complain about life, hold a daily

celebration of gratitude for life…they are all choices.

Happiness is a choice. Stay alert and make conscious choices for



5. Begin at the End…

You can never reach your destination if you don't have a destination.

Decide what accomplishments you want recorded on your tombstone.

Take a whole quiet day to consider your life. Be very clear that your

happiness does NOT depend on reaching your goal. In fact, it's the

reverse. Your happiness depends on accepting whatever life throws

at you while you walk the path toward your goal.

What is important for your happiness is having a goal, and working

toward it.


6. Start Today…

Whatever you want in life, start today. Not tomorrow… today.

Let it be a small beginning…a tiny beginning. Your happiness depends

on starting today… every day.


7. Accept that Life is NOT "Supposed to be Fair"…

Know that there is no single way that life is "supposed" to be.

Demanding that life meet our expectations is a sure-fire recipe for a

miserable existence. Life is a game with no rules. Life just happens to us

regardless of our best intentions. Our only path to happiness lies in being

open to receiving whatever life throws at us…with Gratitude.

Have NO Expectations of life.



 Roll With the Changes – REO SPEEDWAGON

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