Thursday, July 04, 2024

070424 Happy Birthday America!

America is 248 years old today

July 4th, 2024

Happy Birthday America!


For, though all things shall pass away,


- Echoes of Grace


We hold these truths to be self-evident:

that all men are created equal;

That they are endowed by their Creator

With certain unalienable rights;

That among these are life, liberty,

And the pursuit of happiness.

- Thomas Jefferson


Freedom is a fragile thing and it is never

More than one generation from extinction.

It is not ours by inheritance;

It must be fought for and defended

Constantly by each generation,

For it comes only once to a people.

Those who have known freedom,

And then lost it, have never known it again

- Ronald Wilson Reagan


Let every nation know, whether it wishes

Us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,

Bear any burden, meet any hardship,

Support any friend, oppose any foe to

Assure the survival and the success of liberty.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


I say to you that the price of liberty is

And always has been blood, human blood,

And if our liberties are lost,

We shall never regain them except at the

Price of blood. They must not be lost.

- J. Reuben Clark


This nation was conceived in liberty and

Dedicated to the principle… among others

That honest men may honestly disagree;

That if they all say what they think,

A majority of the people will be able to

Distinguish truth from error.

- Elmer Davis


Human rights are not a privilege granted

By the few, they are a liberty entitled to all,

And human rights, by definition,

Include the rights of all humans,

Those in the dawn of life, the dusk of life,

Or the shadows of life.

- Kay Granger


And we can celebrate when we have a

Government that has earned back the

Trust of the people it serves...

When we have a government that honors

Our Constitution and stands up for the

Values that have made America,

America… economic freedom, individual liberty,

And personal responsibility.

- John Boehner


There is only one kind of freedom and that's

Individual liberty. Our lives come from our

Creator and our liberty comes from our creator.

It has nothing to do with government granting it.

- Ron Paul


The future of this Republic is in the

Hands of the American voter.

- Dwight David Eisenhower

VOTE 2024!


This song was written by

A great Patriotic American.

Today’s post is in his memory

And honor…

- Hayden Childs


Happy Birthday America – Toby Keith



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