Wednesday, July 24, 2024

072424 Tony Rogers Tribute Post...

Today’s post is in honor of my friend and

brother-in-Christ Tony Rogers.

Tony passed from this earth life last Friday

July 19, 2024.

He leaves behind a legacy of Christian faith,

Hope and love.

I was his Minister for three years at Center Hill,

Lexington, AL.

He was a great congregational song leader.

Tony had a servant’s heart, soft-spoken yet

Filled with Godly wisdom.

He was an encouragement to me in ministry

and I will miss him very much!

May God Bless his precious family that he

leaves behind.

- Hayden Childs


“Give all your worries to Him

because He cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7




Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray,

Let me see only Jesus today;

Though through the valley Thou leadest me,

Thy fadeless glory encompasseth me.


Fill all my vision, every desire

Keep for Thy glory; my soul inspire

With Thy perfection, Thy holy love,

Flooding my pathway with light from above.


Fill all my vision, let naught of sin

Shadow the brightness shining within.

Let me see only Thy blessed face,

Feasting my soul on Thy infinite grace.


Fill all my vision, Savior divine,

Till with Thy glory my spirit shall shine.

Fill all my vision, that all  my see

Thy Holy Image reflected in me.


Lyrics: Alvis B. Christiansen

Music: Homer Hammontree




A sense of humor…

Is needed armor.

Joy in one’s heart

And some laughter

On one’s lips

Is a sign that the

Person deep down

Has a pretty good

Grasp of life.

- Hugh Sidey


Happiness does not depend

On what happens outside of you,

But on what happens inside of you.

- Anonymous



I have decided

That the only way

To live is to embrace grief.

For grief only exists

Where love lived first.

- Franchesca Cox




Tar Top Official Video – Alabama Band



A place to stay when your loved ones need you.




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