Saturday, July 27, 2024

072724 Saturday Devotional plus...

The story behind…

“Get Right with God”

Growing up in Smallville, U.S.A.

In Dixon, KY just north of town

On Hwy 41-A was a sign nailed

To a tree on the side of the road

Every time we went north

I saw this sign…

Someone had apparently taken

A stop sign and painted the

Following words in big bold letters…


It made an impression on me.

Personally, I got right with God

49 years ago, when I became a


I have used this reminder in the

Bulletin At Barn Creek.

I will still use it although I am

not currently working with a

congregation in the ministry role.

I will continue the Lord willing

to minister via my emails and blogs.

- Hayden Childs


Abraham Lincoln's

Favorite Devotionals

July 27

Joy to be Sought Through Christ

 “Until now you have not asked

 for anything in My name.

Ask and you will receive.

Then your joy will be full.”


Dark and cheerless is the morn,
Unaccompanied by thee;
Joyless is the day's return,
Till thy mercy's beams we see:
Day-spring from on high, be near;
Day-star, in our hearts appear.

- The Believer's Daily Treasure


Tell Jesus…

You think that the burden's

Too heavy to bear,

That oft you are having

Much more than your share…

Tell Jesus.


And if you are tempted

To fret and complain,

Remember He's working

Your blessing and gain…

Tell Jesus.


Do friends prove unfaithful?

Do loved ones forsake?

Does sorrow on sorrow

Your heart fairly break?

Tell Jesus.


No matter what trial

May fall to your lot,

Don't fail to remember

His love faileth not…

Tell Jesus.

- Edwin Brunswick Hartt


 Oh, what a fountain of mercy is flowing,
   Down from the crucified Savior of men.
Precious the blood that He shed to redeem us,
   Grace and forgiveness for all of our sin.

- John R. Rice






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