Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Here are my some of my

Favorite Tai Lopez quotes


He is an investor, entrepreneur,

and YouTube celebrity.

He became famous for his

advertisement across

social media and for his TEDx talk.

He runs successful companies

MentorBox, Knowledge Society,

and an investment fund that acquired

clothing brand Dress Barn.


While starting from poor upbringings

(his father jailed while he was growing up),

he is now the exemplification of a

successful entrepreneurial career.

- Angelo Sorbello


Obsessed is a word used

often by the lazy,

in order to describe

the dedicated.

- Tai Lopez


K.S.E. remember,

after Knowledge you

must Strategize

and Execute.

- Tai Lopez


If it won’t matter in one week,

one month or one year,

then don’t worry about it.

- Tai Lopez


Double down on what’s

working and cut the rest

- Tai Lopez


Work hard in silence and

let your success be your noise.

- Tai Lopez


Don’t let procrastination

kill your hopes and dreams.

- Tai Lopez


As the saying goes,

‘Faith without works is dead.’

You gotta’ combine your

faith with your actions.

- Tai Lopez




Double Check.


- Tai Lopez


49% of people suffer from

“Paralysis by over-analysis.”

The other 49% act without thinking.

Be part of the small group who both

think and act.

- Tai Lopez


The penalty for procrastination

is the loss of hopes and dreams.

- Tai Lopez


Your mind is almost

impossible to overcome.

Yet true happiness only

comes from

controlling your mind.

- Tai Lopez 




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