Monday, March 04, 2024

030424 You've Got a Friend...

Carole King wrote and released a song in 1971

That struck a chord with many people.


“You’ve God a Friend”


When you’re down and troubled,

And you need some love and care,

And nothing, nothing is going right

Close your eyes and think of me,

And soon I will be there

To brighten up even your darkest night.

If the sky above you grows dark and full of clouds

And that old north wind begins to blow

Keep your head together and call my name out loud

Soon you’ll hear me knocking at your door

Why can people be so cold?

They’ll hurt you, yes, and desert you

And take your soul if you let them,

Oh, but don’t you let them

You just call out my name

And you know wherever I am

I’ll come running to see you again

Winter, spring, summer or fall

All you have to do is call

And I’ll be there

You’ve got a friend.


Excerpted by H.C.


A Friend of the Friendless


“The Son of Man came eating and drinking,

and they say,

 ‘Look, a glutton and a [a] winebibber,

 a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’

 But wisdom is justified by her [b] children.”

 [a] wine drinker [b] works  



Jesus is a friend of the friendless. 


Our Lord was willing to associate with those

whom the world deemed unworthy and



Jesus embodied the spirit of real evangelism

by reaching out to all men  with the

gospel message. 


Though his enemies meant it as a criticism,

their words are really a compliment…


“The Son of man came eating and drinking,

and they say …

Look, a glutton and a [a] winebibber,

a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’

But wisdom is justified by her [b] children.”



He ate with Pharisees (Luke 7:36). 


He ate with publicans and sinners (Matt.9:10). 


He reached out and touched the untouchables

(Matt.8:2-3; Luke 8:43-48). 


His closest companions on earth were a group

comprised of roughneck fishermen, a publican,

a political fanatic, and a money-hungry treasurer. 


Jesus was willing to befriend those that many

in the world would rather leave to themselves.


What about us?


Are we willing to befriend the friendless?


Do we reach out only to those who fit the mold

of who we think a friend should be?


Find the broken, the hurting, the struggling,

the lonely, the forgotten, and be a friend to them.


Via Rooted in the Cross

Edited by H.C.


People get caught up with how many friends

they have on Face book

Or how many are following them on other

social media platforms.


The real question is


Is Jesus Christ your friend?


Are you his friend?


“You are My friends if you

do whatever I command you.

John 15:14



have you followed Christ’s commandments

Regarding the salvation of your soul?


Friendship’s Road…

Friendship is a chain of gold
Shaped in God’s all perfect mold.
Each link a smile, a laugh, a tear,
A grip of the hand, a word of cheer.

Steadfast as the ages roll
Binding closer soul to soul;
No matter how far or heavy the load
Sweet is the journey on friendship’s road.


Jesus is a friend for life,

Guiding through all toil and strife;

No matter how far or heavy the load,

Sweet is the journey on friendship’s road.


- Monroe Crossing


“Happy is he who has the

God of Jacob for his help,
Whose hope is in the Lord his God,”

Psalm 146:5



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