Monday, March 25, 2024

032524 quotes plus...

“Scoffers set a city aflame,
But wise men turn away wrath.”

Proverbs 29:8


The crying need of our degenerate times is for a revival

Of true old-fashioned, Christ-centered, Bible preaching

That will call upon men everywhere to repent in view of

That coming day when God will judge the world in

Righteousness by His Risen Son.

- Harry A. Ironside


Providence has given to our people the choice of their

Rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and

Interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer

Christians for their rulers.

- John Jay,

President of the Continental Congress and

1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Thomas Jefferson asked the question,

Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove

Their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the

People that these liberties are the gift of God?"


We have no government armed with power capable of

Contending with human passions unbridled by morality

And religion.

Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break

The strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes

Through a net.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and

Religious people.

It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

- John Adams, October 11, 1798, Address to the military


In Volume 1 of Democracy in America,

Alexis de Tocqueville observed that

"... Liberty cannot be established without morality,

Nor morality without faith."


Will and Ariel Durant, in their classic book,

"The Lessons of History,"

Asked themselves this question:

"Does history warrant the conclusion that religion is

Necessary to morality…

That a natural ethic is too weak to withstand the savagery

That lurks under civilization and emerges in our dreams,

Crimes and wars?"


This was their answer:

"There is no significant example in history,

Before our time, of a society successfully maintaining

Moral life without the aid of religion."


If religious principles are so fundamentally a part of

Our heritage, why are they under such violent attack?


Two basic reasons underlie the attempt to separate

America from its spiritual roots.


First, the liberal goal of state socialism is incompatible

With a citizenry who look to themselves and to God,

Rather than the state, for the satisfaction of their needs.


Socialism requires that citizens do obeisance to the

State as the Source from which all blessings flow.

The supreme State can have no other God before it.

- Linda Bowles


What paved the way for the downfall of the mightiest


Proud and haughty Greece and imperial Rome?

The downfall of their womanhood.

The virtue of womanhood is the rampant wall of

American civilization.

Break that down and with the stones thereof you

Can pave your way to the hottest hell,

And reeking vice and corruption.

- Billy Sunday, The Man and His Message


Excerpted via


What We Need…

We were settin' there an' smokin' of our pipes,

Discussin' things,
Like licker, votes for wimmin,

An' the totterin' thrones o' kings,
When he ups an' strokes his whiskers

With his hand an' says t'me…
"Changin' laws an' legislatures ain't,

As fur as I can see,
Goin' to make this world much better,

Unless somehow we can
Find a way to make a better

An' a finer sort o' man.
"The trouble ain't with statutes

Or with systems-not at all;
It's with humans jest like we air an'

Their petty ways an' small.
We could stop our writin' law-books

An' our regulatin' rules
If a better sort of manhood

Was the product of our schools.
For the things that we air needin'

Ain’t no writin' from a pen
Or bigger guns to shoot with,

But a bigger type of men.
"I reckon all these problems

Air jest ornery like the weeds.
They grow in soil that oughta

Nourish only decent deeds,
An' they waste our time 

an' fret us when,

If we were thinkin' straight
An' livin' right, they wouldn't be

So terrible an' great.
A good horse needs no snaffle,

An' a good man, I opine,
Doesn't need a law to check him

Or to force him into line.
"If we ever start in teachin'

To our children, year by year,
How to live with one another,

There’ll be less o' trouble here.
If we'd teach 'em how to neighbor

An' to walk in honor's ways,
We could settle every problem

Which the mind o' man can raise.
What we're needin' isn't systems

Or some regulatin' plan,
But a bigger an' a finer

An' a truer type o' man."

- Edgar Albert Guest








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