Monday, March 11, 2024

031124 My Rules for Life... Bro. George DeHoff plus

My Rules for Life…

George DeHoff


1. I try never to say anything behind

A man’s back that would give me

The least embarrassment to say

To his face.

2. I try never to speak back to

Personal critics… friends do not

Need to hear the defense and

Enemies would not believe it.

3. Every day I greet every person

I see with a smile and make a

Special effort to do so if the

Person is poor or in unfortunate


4. The first thing when I awake

In the morning I plan what my

Duty for the day is and try to

Go beyond it.

5. Every day I read from the Bible

And some other good books…

Feeding the mind and soul is

More important than feeding

The body.

6. I try to pay every debt I owe

On time and always save

Something from every pay check,

However small.

7. I like people and never harbor

Any malice or hatred toward any

Person in the world; I like places

And have yet to be anywhere that

I do not like… I go there with the

Intention of liking the place.

8. I am a confirmed optimist

believing that even in this life

evil men will be punished by

their own unhappiness and

good men will be rewarded.

“It’s better further on.”

9. I try to close each day as if

It were the last day I’d be on

Earth, closing the books on all

Regrets, worries and annoyances.

10. The last thing I do at night

Is to count one by one the

Blessings of the day.

This makes me so thankful

And happy that I soon drift

Into pleasant sleep.

In this spirit I hope to close

Life’s journey and drift into


- Beacon 9/26/1991




Cecelia’s Recipe For Life…

Cecelia Weir


Be Positive…

Look ahead…

Live in the present…

And be sure…

To love every minute…

Of whatever you do.


Have a zest for life…

A forgiving spirit…

Enthusiasm for others…

A genuine will for helping…

And nothing…

Will be impossible for you.




I have found that if you

Love life,

Life will love you back.

- Arthur Rubenstien





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