Saturday, March 30, 2024

033024 post...

 But the angel answered and said to the women,

“Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus

who was crucified.

 He is not here; for He is risen, as He said.

Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

 And go quickly and tell His disciples that

He is risen from the dead, and indeed He is going

before you into Galilee; there you will see Him.

Behold, I have told you.”



Historical Evidence of

The Resurrection of

Jesus Christ…


Josephus (37-100A.D)

In the Tetestimonium Flavianum,” he says…

Now there was about this Jesus, a wise man,

if it be lawful to call him a man;

for he was a doer of wonderful works,

a teacher of such men as receive the truth

with pleasure. He drew over to him both many

of the Jews and many of the Gentiles.

He was the Christ. And when Pilate,

at the suggestion of the principal men among us,

had condemned him to the cross, those that loved

him at first did not forsake him;

for he appeared to them alive again the third day,

as the divine prophets had foretold these men and

ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.

And the tribe of Christians, so named from him,

are not extinct at this day.”


Suetonius (70-160 A.D.)

Suetonius was a Roman historian and annalist

of the Imperial House. In his biography of Nero,

Suetonius mentions the persecution of Christians

by indirectly referring to the resurrection…

“Punishment was inflicted on the Christians,

a class of men given to a new and mischievous

superstition [the resurrection].”




Pliny the Younger (62-113A.D.)

Pliny the Younger wrote a letter to the emperor

Trajan describing early Christian worship gatherings

that met early on Sunday mornings in memory of Jesus’

resurrection day: I have never been present at an

examination of Christians.

Consequently, I do not know the nature of the extent

of the punishments usually meted out to them,

nor the grounds for starting an investigation and

how are it should be pressed. They also declared that

the sum total of their guilt or error accounted to

no more than this… they had met regularly before

dawn on a fixed day [Sunday in remembrance of Jesus

’ resurrection] to change verses alternately amongst

themselves in honor of Christ as if to a god.”



Indeed, taking all the evidences together it is not

too much to say that there is no historical incident

better or more variously supported than the

resurrection of Christ.

- B.F. Westcott


Our Savior’s resurrection is truly of great important

in Christianity; so great that His being or not being

the Messiah still stands or falls with it.

- John Locke


Christianity is in its very essence a resurrection religion.

The concept of resurrection lies at its heart.

If you remove it, Christianity is destroyed.

- John R. Stott


In the whole story of Jesus Christ,

the most important event is the resurrection.

- William Lyon Phelps (Yale Professor)


The resurrection of Christ is a fact.

- Benjamin Warfield (Princeton Professor)


Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection

not in words alone, but in every leaf in springtime.

- Martin Luther


Buddha is dead;

Mohammed is dead;

Joseph Smith is dead…


Only Jesus Christ Lives!

We Serve a Risen Savior!


Rise Again – Dallas Holm



Friday, March 29, 2024

032924 post...

Then He said to them, “O foolish ones,

and slow of heart to believe in all that

the prophets have spoken!

Ought not the Christ to have suffered

these things and to enter into His glory?”

And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets,

He [g] expounded (explained) to them in all

the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

Luke 24:25-27


The Bible Tells Us Jesus Came…


The Bible tells us Jesus came

From glory bright and fair…

God’s perfect, sinless, spotless Lamb…

His mercy to declare.


The Bible tells us Jesus died

A sacrifice for sin…

The gates of Heav’n to open wide,

That we may enter in.


The Bible tells us Jesus rose,

And left the silent grave,

Triumphant over all His foes,

The mighty One to save.


The Bible tells us Jesus lives

Again upon the throne…

The blessed proof the Father gives

That mercy’s work is done.


The Bible tells us He will come

To take His saints away,

To dwell with Him in His blest home

Through everlasting day.


The Bible tells us all may come,

And drink at mercy’s stream;

That Jesus will share this home

With all who obey Him.


- C.M. Clark

Edited by H.C.


"Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim!
Hallelujah, what a Savior!"

- Philip P. Bliss



I Believe in the one they called Jesus

Congregational singing led by Ray Walker



The greatest story ever told changed

the world and our eternal destiny forever.

This story of life, love, compassion and

sacrifice but also of evil, betrayal and

treachery is told by my friend and

brother in Christ Glenn Colley in

a story-telling format.





Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Here are my some of my

Favorite Tai Lopez quotes


He is an investor, entrepreneur,

and YouTube celebrity.

He became famous for his

advertisement across

social media and for his TEDx talk.

He runs successful companies

MentorBox, Knowledge Society,

and an investment fund that acquired

clothing brand Dress Barn.


While starting from poor upbringings

(his father jailed while he was growing up),

he is now the exemplification of a

successful entrepreneurial career.

- Angelo Sorbello


Obsessed is a word used

often by the lazy,

in order to describe

the dedicated.

- Tai Lopez


K.S.E. remember,

after Knowledge you

must Strategize

and Execute.

- Tai Lopez


If it won’t matter in one week,

one month or one year,

then don’t worry about it.

- Tai Lopez


Double down on what’s

working and cut the rest

- Tai Lopez


Work hard in silence and

let your success be your noise.

- Tai Lopez


Don’t let procrastination

kill your hopes and dreams.

- Tai Lopez


As the saying goes,

‘Faith without works is dead.’

You gotta’ combine your

faith with your actions.

- Tai Lopez




Double Check.


- Tai Lopez


49% of people suffer from

“Paralysis by over-analysis.”

The other 49% act without thinking.

Be part of the small group who both

think and act.

- Tai Lopez


The penalty for procrastination

is the loss of hopes and dreams.

- Tai Lopez


Your mind is almost

impossible to overcome.

Yet true happiness only

comes from

controlling your mind.

- Tai Lopez 




Monday, March 25, 2024

032524 quotes plus...

“Scoffers set a city aflame,
But wise men turn away wrath.”

Proverbs 29:8


The crying need of our degenerate times is for a revival

Of true old-fashioned, Christ-centered, Bible preaching

That will call upon men everywhere to repent in view of

That coming day when God will judge the world in

Righteousness by His Risen Son.

- Harry A. Ironside


Providence has given to our people the choice of their

Rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and

Interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer

Christians for their rulers.

- John Jay,

President of the Continental Congress and

1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Thomas Jefferson asked the question,

Can the liberties of a nation be sure when we remove

Their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the

People that these liberties are the gift of God?"


We have no government armed with power capable of

Contending with human passions unbridled by morality

And religion.

Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break

The strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes

Through a net.

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and

Religious people.

It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

- John Adams, October 11, 1798, Address to the military


In Volume 1 of Democracy in America,

Alexis de Tocqueville observed that

"... Liberty cannot be established without morality,

Nor morality without faith."


Will and Ariel Durant, in their classic book,

"The Lessons of History,"

Asked themselves this question:

"Does history warrant the conclusion that religion is

Necessary to morality…

That a natural ethic is too weak to withstand the savagery

That lurks under civilization and emerges in our dreams,

Crimes and wars?"


This was their answer:

"There is no significant example in history,

Before our time, of a society successfully maintaining

Moral life without the aid of religion."


If religious principles are so fundamentally a part of

Our heritage, why are they under such violent attack?


Two basic reasons underlie the attempt to separate

America from its spiritual roots.


First, the liberal goal of state socialism is incompatible

With a citizenry who look to themselves and to God,

Rather than the state, for the satisfaction of their needs.


Socialism requires that citizens do obeisance to the

State as the Source from which all blessings flow.

The supreme State can have no other God before it.

- Linda Bowles


What paved the way for the downfall of the mightiest


Proud and haughty Greece and imperial Rome?

The downfall of their womanhood.

The virtue of womanhood is the rampant wall of

American civilization.

Break that down and with the stones thereof you

Can pave your way to the hottest hell,

And reeking vice and corruption.

- Billy Sunday, The Man and His Message


Excerpted via


What We Need…

We were settin' there an' smokin' of our pipes,

Discussin' things,
Like licker, votes for wimmin,

An' the totterin' thrones o' kings,
When he ups an' strokes his whiskers

With his hand an' says t'me…
"Changin' laws an' legislatures ain't,

As fur as I can see,
Goin' to make this world much better,

Unless somehow we can
Find a way to make a better

An' a finer sort o' man.
"The trouble ain't with statutes

Or with systems-not at all;
It's with humans jest like we air an'

Their petty ways an' small.
We could stop our writin' law-books

An' our regulatin' rules
If a better sort of manhood

Was the product of our schools.
For the things that we air needin'

Ain’t no writin' from a pen
Or bigger guns to shoot with,

But a bigger type of men.
"I reckon all these problems

Air jest ornery like the weeds.
They grow in soil that oughta

Nourish only decent deeds,
An' they waste our time 

an' fret us when,

If we were thinkin' straight
An' livin' right, they wouldn't be

So terrible an' great.
A good horse needs no snaffle,

An' a good man, I opine,
Doesn't need a law to check him

Or to force him into line.
"If we ever start in teachin'

To our children, year by year,
How to live with one another,

There’ll be less o' trouble here.
If we'd teach 'em how to neighbor

An' to walk in honor's ways,
We could settle every problem

Which the mind o' man can raise.
What we're needin' isn't systems

Or some regulatin' plan,
But a bigger an' a finer

An' a truer type o' man."

- Edgar Albert Guest








032524 Six reasons Americans don't have life insurance… And why they're bogus

Six reasons Americans don't have life insurance…

And why they're bogus


Without life insurance, your loved ones might be left in the lurch financially

If you were to pass away unexpectedly.


But despite the importance of having life insurance, many Americans go

Without it, and for reasons that really read more like excuses.


Here are the top reasons Americans don't have life insurance, according

To a survey by Ladder and One Poll… and why they just don't hold water.


A life insurance policy isn't the most fun thing to spend your money on,

But it's perhaps the most worthwhile investment you can make.


If you're without life insurance, stop what you're doing and carve out some

Time to explore your options.


Your loved ones are depending on it.

1. It's too expensive

For 52% of Americans, the decision not to buy life insurance boils down

to money.


Meanwhile, in the aforementioned survey, the typical American

Spends nearly $1,500 a month on non-essentials like restaurant meals 

and entertainment, which, depending on the policy you buy, could be 

enough to cover your premiums for an entire year.


Before you write off the idea of life insurance based on an assumption that

It’s too expensive; explore your options for a low-cost policy. Opting for

Term life insurance over permanent life insurance, for example, is a good

Way to reduce your costs, since term policies don't cover you for life and

Don’t accumulate a cash value.


You can also keep your costs down by applying when you're relatively

Young and at your healthiest. Losing weight, for example, could reduce

Your premium costs substantially.


2. I don't think I need it

A good 17% of Americans are convinced they don't need life insurance.


But here's the thing…You don't need to be wealthy to have a policy.

If you have people who depend on you financially, or who stand to get hurt

financially if you were to pass away, then you need that coverage. Period.


Imagine, for instance, that you're a stay-at-home parent who doesn't earn

An income. You might think you don't need life insurance because you 

don't contribute financially to your household, but in reality, you provide a key

Service… free child care.


If you were to pass away, leaving behind a spouse and two kids, your

Spouse would then need to absorb the cost of child care on his or her own,

Which could wreak havoc on your family’s budget?


On the other hand, if you were to take out a modest policy for yourself, 

your family would have that added protection if the unthinkable were to



3. I don't know what kind of policy to get

Navigating life insurance options can be tricky, so much so that 15% of

Americans don't have a policy because they don't know which kind to get.


The truth is that there are numerous life insurance guides on the internet,

So you can read through them to better understand your options.


I have a blog dedicated to insurance education you may access

This informative site at



Working with a trusted broker or financial advisor will also help, as that

Person should be in a position to steer you in the right direction.


4. I don't know how much coverage to get

An estimated 12% of Americans don't have life insurance because they

Have no idea how much coverage they need.


(On my business dedicated website you may access 24/7

A calculator powered by Life Happens at the bottom of the

introductory page at to determine 

how much coverage you need.)


There are different formulas you can play around with to determine how

Much of a policy to buy, but one common approach is to round up your

outstanding debts and major family goals, and then purchase a policy

Whose death benefit will cover all of that.


For example, if you owe $200,000 on your mortgage, have two children to

Put through college at a cost of $100,000 per child, and want to leave a

little money left over for funeral expenses and other miscellaneous costs,

You might take out a $450,000 policy.


If you want to leave your family with enough money to help pay for two

Weddings, you might increase that to $500,000.


There are different options to play around with, so think about the financial

Gaps that could be left upon your passing, and aim to buy a policy that

Closes them.


5. I haven't had the time to figure it out

For 11% of Americans, a lack of life insurance is attributed to not having had

The time to figure it out.


If that's been the case for you, carve out some time to meet with a financial

advisor or broker to discuss your options.


Doing so will make the process more efficient, and if you schedule a meeting

With someone else to talk about life insurance, it'll be harder to blow it off.


6. The process is too confusing

Not surprisingly, 11% of Americans say that the confusing nature of life

Insurance has driven them to avoid buying a policy.


While some of the life insurance types out there are confusing, 

if you want to keep things simple, go with a term policy.


In doing so, you'll lock in a premium based on your age, health, 

and coverage amount, and as long as you pay that premium, 

you'll have a policy in place for whatever time frame you choose

up front, whether it's 10, 20, or 30 years.


Author: Maurie Backman


Contact Me Today!


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382


“The grief is bad enough,

Don’t leave the burden

To your family!”


Need Term Life Insurance?

Here is an option available to you

Log on and apply in minutes…


Plum Life, Inc,

400 Connell Dr, Suite 1300,

Berkeley Heights,

New Jersey 07922


We currently offer products

Underwritten by

The Savings Bank Mutual Life

Insurance Company of Massachusetts,

Woburn, MA. 01801




Saturday, March 23, 2024

032324 post...

If America is to remain what God,

In His wisdom, intended for it to be…

A refuge, a safe haven for those

Seeking human rights…

Then we must once again extend the

Most basic human right to the most

Vulnerable members of the

Human family…

We must commit ourselves to a

Future in which the right to life

Of every human being…

No matter how weak,

No matter how small,

No matter how defenseless…

Is protected by our laws and

Public policy.

- Ronald Wilson Reagan


What I Call Living…

The miser thinks he's living

When he's hoarding up his gold;
The soldier calls it living

When he's doing something bold;
The sailor thinks it living

To be tossed upon the sea,
And upon this vital subject

No two of us agree.
But I hold to the opinion,

As I walk my way along,
That living's made of laughter

And good-fellowship and song.
I wouldn't call it living always

To be seeking gold,
To bank all the present gladness

For the days when I'll be old.
I wouldn't call it living to spend

All my strength for fame,
And forego the many pleasures

Which to-day is mine to claim.
I wouldn't for the splendor of the

World set out to roam,
And forsake my laughing children

And the peace I know at home.
Oh, the thing that I call living

Isn’t gold or fame at all!
Its good-fellowship and sunshine,

And it's roses by the wall;
its evenings glad with music and

A hearth fire that's ablaze,
And the joys which come to mortals

In a thousand different ways.
It is laughter and contentment

And the struggle for a goal;
It is everything that's needful

In the shaping of a soul.

- Edgar Albert Guest


Our Greatest Need…

If our greatest need had

been information,

God would have sent us

an educator.

If our greatest need had

been technology,

God would have sent us

a scientist.

If our greatest need had

been money,

God would have sent us

an economist.
If our greatest need had

been pleasure,

God would have sent us

an entertainer.
But our greatest need

as forgiveness,

So God sent us a Savior.

- Charles Sell


What a Savior…

Once I was straying

in sin’s dark valley,

No hope within could

I see;

They searched thro’


and found a Savior

To save a poor lost

soul like me.


O what a Savior,

O hallelujah,

His heart was

broken on Calvary;

His hands were


His side was riven,

He gave His

lifeblood for

even me.

- Marvin P. Dalton