Tuesday, February 27, 2024

022724 quotes plus...

The purpose of life

Is a life of purpose.

- Robert Byrne


More men fail through

Lack of purpose

Than lack of talent.

- Billy Sunday


A great river is not aimless.

It has direction and purpose.

So also must a good life

Have a definite aim;

All its strength  and fullness

Must be turned in one direction.

To many the whole object

Of life is work.

Ask a man what he is doing

With his life and ninety-nine

Times out of a hundred

He will reply by telling you

His trade or profession.

- Grenville Kleiser


Have a purpose for everything

You do.

Study, work, travel, etc.…

Live for a purpose.

- A.A.M.


The purpose of human life

Is to serve,

And to show compassion

And the will to help others.

- Albert Schewitzer



Success is reached by

Being active, awake,

ahead of the crowd,

By aiming high,

pushing ahead,

honestly, diligently,


by climbing, digging,


by forgetting the past,

using the present,

trusting in the future;

by honoring God,

having a purpose,

fainting not,

determining to win,

And striving to the end.

- Russell Conwell


Doing Nothing…

He made no mistakes;

He took no wrong turns,

He never fumbled the ball.

He never went down

‘neath the weight of the load,

He simply did nothing at all.

He lost no hard fight

In defense of the right,

He never bled

With his back to the wall,

He never felt faint

In his climb to the light,

He simply did nothing at all.

So death came neigh,

Life had slipped by,

He feared for the judgment hall.

And when asked why,

He said with a sigh,

“I’ve done nothing at all.”

O, God will pardon your blunders,

My friends,

Or regard with pity your fall,

But the one great sell,

That surely means Hell,

Is simply to do nothing at all.

- Anonymous

Via Beacon 06/26/2006



When I read this poem I couldn’t

Help but think about the one talent

Man in the scriptures…



24 The one who had received one piece of money worth

much came. He said, ‘Sir, I know that you are a hard man.

You gather grain where you have not planted. 

You take up where you have not spread out.

25 I was afraid and I hid your money in the ground.

See! Here is your money.’

26 His owner said to him, ‘You bad and lazy servant.

You knew that I gather grain where I have not planted.

You knew that I take up where I have not spread out.

27 You should have taken my money to the bank.

When I came back, I could have had my own money

and what the bank paid for using it. 

28 Take the one piece of money from him.

Give it to the one who has ten pieces of money.’

29 For the man who has will have more given to him. 

He will have more than enough. The man who has nothing,

even what he has will be taken away.

30 Throw the bad servant out into the darkness.

There will be loud crying and grinding of teeth.

- Matthew 25:24-30 TLV


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