Monday, February 12, 2024


Self Awareness + Passion

+ Discipline + Coach-ability

= Confidence

- Alan Stein Jr.


Average players worry about

What their coach is doing,

What their teammates are doing,

And what their opponent is doing,

Even what the referee is doing!

Great player’s process feedback

From each of those domains.

But they spend each play and

Practice session focusing on what

They’re doing and how they process

What is happening.

The work on their effort and attitude.

- Alan Stein Jr.


I’ve been fortunate to

Meet with some of the

All-time great coaches,

And one common thread

That links all of them is

That they are never the

Kind of people who are

Out for themselves.

They are connectors,

Givers and sharers.  

They are servants to

Their players.

- Alan Stein Jr.



 Anyway... Martina McBride


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