Wednesday, February 14, 2024

021424 quotes plus...

“Love does not give up.

Love is kind.

Love is not jealous.

Love does not put itself up as being important.

Love has no pride.

Love does not do the wrong thing.

Love never thinks of itself.

Love does not get angry.

Love does not remember the suffering

that comes from being hurt by someone.

Love is not happy with sin.

Love is happy with the truth.

Love takes everything that comes without giving up.

Love believes all things.

Love hopes for all things.

Love keeps on in all things.

1 Cor.13:4-7



We lose ourselves in the things we love.

We find ourselves there, too.

- Kristin Martz


A bell is not a bell
until someone rings it,
a song is not a song
until someone sings it.

Love wasn't put
in the heart to stay,
for love isn't love
'til you give it away.

- Chanh Kha







I Want to Hold Your Hand…


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