Monday, February 19, 2024

021924 3 Powerful Poems...

How Do You Know?

Who ever said that you could not do?

Exactly the thing to which you are planning.

Who ever thought that you could not climb?

Up with the sun to heights sublime?

Who has advised you to check your pace,

Give up the struggle and lose the race,

Crawl off discouraged and hide your face?

Nobody but you.

You are the one who has done it all…

Deserted your castles and let’em fall,

Smothered the spark of ambition’s fire,

Shut off the current and cut the wire.

How do you know the die is cast?

How do you know when the crowd goes past

Who will be the leader, and who will be the last?

How do you know?

Life is not merely a game of chance,

And you are not the victim of circumstance.

Nothing is too hard for a man to do,

Providing, of course, he wishes to.

Wishes it more than a miser’s wealth,

More than an invalid longs for health,

Works for it, prays for it… night and day,

Feels that no price is too great to pay.

How do you know till you strive that way?

How do you know

- Anonymous

Originally appeared in Gleanings by A.M. Burton

Beacon 08/10/1989

Edited by H.C.



Do not ask, “Has the world been a friend to me?”

But “Have I to the world been true?”

Tis’ not what you get, but what you give,

That makes life worthwhile to you.

Tis’ the kind word said to the little child.

As you wiped its tears away,

And the smile you brought to some careworn face,

That really lights up your day.

Tis’ that hand you clasp with an honest grasp.

That gives you a hearty thrill,

Tis’ the good you pour into other lives.

That comes back your own to fill.

Tis’ the dregs you drain from another’s cup,

That makes your own seem sweet.

And the hours you give to your brother man.

That makes your life complete.

Tis’ the burdens you help another bear.

That makes your own seem light.

Tis’ the danger seen for another’s feet.

That shows you the path of right.

Tis’ the good you do each passing day.

With a heart sincere and true…

For through giving the world your absolute best,

Its best will return to you.

- Anonymous

Beacon 07/13/1989

Edited by H.C.


Am I Nearer?

O the yesterday’s moments for

Pleasure or woe,

Have been stealthily carried.


I am nearer the valley of shadows,

I know…

Am I nearer to Heaven today?

I am nearer the time for the

Breaking of ties,

That are holding my loved ones.

To me.

I am nearer the time for my

Latest goodbyes…

Am I nearer, O Father, to thee?

I am nearer the close of my

Labor below,

I am nearer the end of my way.

I am nearer the edge of the

Valley, I know…

Am I nearer to Heaven today?

- Jessie Brown Pounds

Beacon 01/05/1989

Edited by H.C.



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