Wednesday, November 22, 2023

112223 Jesus is the World's Hope...

“Go in through the narrow door.

The door is wide and the road is easy

That leads to hell.

Many people are going through that door.

But the door is narrow and the road is hard

That leads to life that lasts forever.

Few people are finding it."



Alas, Alas, How Blind I’ve Been…

Alas! alas how blind I've been,
How little of myself I've seen!
Sportive I sailed the sensual tide,
Thoughtless of God whom I defied.

I heard of heaven, I heard of hell,
Where bliss and woe eternal dwell;
But mocked the threats of truth divine,
And scorned the place where angels shine.

My angry heart refused the blood
Of a descending, suffering God;
And guilty passion boldly broke
The holy law which heaven had spoke.

The alluring world controlled my choice,
When conscience spoke, I hushed its voice,
Securely laughed along the road,
Which hapless millions first had trod.

Now the almighty God comes near,
And makes me shake with awful fear;
His terrors all my strength exhaust,
My fear grows high, my peace is lost.

With keen remorse I feel my wound,
And seem to hear the dreadful sound,
"Depart from me, thou wretch undone,
Go reap thy sin, and fell my frown."

Thus ends my mirthful thoughtless life,
Filled up with folly, guilt and strife;
Perhaps I sink to endless pain,
Nor hear the voice of joy again.

- Nathan Strong



Don’t leave earth without Him!


For further study…




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