Wednesday, November 22, 2023

112223 In Tribute to J.F.K on the 60th Anniversary of his death...

60 years ago today our 35th

President was assassinated

In Dallas, TX.


It was a tragic and sad day

In American history.


I have been to Dealey Plaza

As our family took a trip to

Dallas in 1973 to visit my

Uncle and Aunt who were

Living there at the time.


I have done considerable

Research on this event

And I do believe their was a



I was watching a documentary

The other night and they

Conveniently left out

Lee Harvey Oswald’s own

Comments that he was a “PATSY”

He was set up to take the fall

For the crime of the century!


- Hayden Childs



"If it can be done to John F. Kennedy in 1963,

It can be done to another president in the future.

And we can't afford to have coup d'etats in America,

No matter how cleverly orchestrated and sinisterly

Contrived they may be.

That cannot be permitted to happen.

And the way you prevent that from happening

Is to expose those elements of government and

Society in this country that was responsible

For the killing of John F. Kennedy."

- Dr. Cyril Wecht



Efforts and courage are not enough

Without purpose and direction.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Liberty without learning

Is always in peril;

Learning without liberty

Is always in vain.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


For in the final analysis,

Our most basic common link,

Is that we all inhabit this small planet,

We all breathe the same air,

We all cherish our children’s futures,

And we are all mortal.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


All of us have in our veins

The exact same percentage

Of salt in our blood that

Exists in the ocean,

And therefore,

We have Salt in our blood,

In our sweat, in our tears.

We are tied to the ocean,

And when we go back to the sea…

Whether it is to sail or to watch it…

We are going back from

Whence we came.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


If the United States ever experiences

An attempt at a coup to overthrow

The government,

It will come from the CIA.

The agency represents a tremendous

Power and total un-accountability to 


- John Fitzgerald Kennedy


 For further research





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