Wednesday, November 01, 2023

110123 Things Average People Don't Do... (Part 2)

Things Average People Don’t Do…  (Part 2)


(13) Average people don’t write books.

  Average people don’t even read books.  They watch television.


(14) Average people don’t listen to sound advice.

 They are arrogant and think they know it all.


(15) Average people don’t become Eagle Scouts.

  They watch others achieve that goal.


(16) Average people don’t graduate college early.

  The average college student takes six years to finish.


(17) Average people don’t stay married.

  They get divorced.


(18) Average people don’t like hard conversations.

  They are passive-aggressive.


(19) Average people don’t show kindness.

  They are angry and confrontational.


(20) Average people don’t forgive others.

  They hold grudges.


(21) Average people don’t go the extra mile.

  They do the bare minimum.


(22) Average people don’t make that one extra sales call or do one more rep.

  They pack up 15 minutes before it’s time to go.


(23) Average people don’t continually learn.

  They think they’re good enough already.


(24) Average people don’t like hard work, being stretched,

or pushed out of their comfort zone.

  They are lazy and like the status quo.


- Brian Dodd






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