Wednesday, November 29, 2023

112923 Grief quotes...

Friendship improves happiness

and abates misery,

By the doubling of our joy and

the dividing of our grief.

- Marcus Tullius Cicero


There is sacredness in tears.

They are not the mark of weakness,

But of power.

They speak more eloquently than

Ten thousand tongues.

They are the messengers of

Overwhelming grief,

Of deep contrition,

And unspeakable love.

- Washington Irving


The reality is that you will grieve forever.

You will not “get over” the loss of a loved one;

You will learn to live with it.

You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around

The loss you have suffered.

You will be whole again but you will never be the same.

Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Copyright: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Family Limited Partnership


In three words I can sum up everything

I’ve learned about life …

It goes on.

- Robert Frost






Tuesday, November 28, 2023

112823 In Loving Tribute...

In Loving Tribute…


David Wallace Hester

Jasper, AL


Cancer took away my

Beloved friend…


Cancer can take away all

Of my physical abilities.

It cannot touch my mind,

It cannot touch my heart,

And it cannot touch my soul

- Coach Jim Valvano


Yesterday (11/30/23)

I received a message that I knew

Was coming…

A message I didn’t want to receive.

I got word that my special friend and mentor

In insurance had passed from this earth life.


I worked with and for him as an agent and


We worked and played together too.

I am a better golfer today because of him.

We both loved the University of Alabama

And we had the joy of attending some

Sporting events together.

I am going to miss him so much.

Prayers to his wife and two boys and

Their extended family.


- Hayden Childs


Life Is Never Finished...

Life Is Never Finished
Not with you.
You are more precious than gold.
For after life
As we know it
Has finished its course
We live in memories
Through the lives of the soul.
Remembrance carries our future
Life carries our present
As Hope carries our past.

- Cecelia Weir


A Golden Tribute…

People who care
Are people who share.
They make our days brighter
And our burdens
Become lighter to bear.

To you beloved friend
I'm willing to share
For you know I care
About the obstacles of life
That You meet.

Jesus is our best friend
He loves and cares for us all.
How can we represent Him
If I fail to answer your call?

So thru thick and thin
Know this earthly friend
Cares about your challenges
Around your life’s bend.
My beloved friend.

- Cecelia Weir


Light by the Shore...

On the shores of time
Lies the remains of my past.
Things that lingered on my mind
Things that made me happy
Things that made me sad
Things that made me.
But in the end those things
Things which were relinquished.
Things that built the current
Flowing beneath my surface.
Things which have transformed
My darkness into light.
A light that shines upon the shores
Glistening upon the shallow
And the deep waters
Yet a beaconing light
To help show others their way.
A way that they may become a light
Standing by the shore.

- Cecelia Weir




When the credits roll…







Monday, November 27, 2023


“Learn to draw quick

And shoot straight…

The former being even

More important than

The latter.”

- Theodore Roosevelt


“From its very nature,

The life of the hunter is

In most places evanescent;

And when it has vanished

There can be no real

Substitute in old settled


- Theodore Roosevelt


“The lack of power to take

Joy in outdoor nature is as

Real a misfortune as the lack

Of power to take joy in books.”

- Theodore Roosevelt




Friday, November 24, 2023

112423 quotes plus...

Every good thing you do,

every good thing you say,

every good thought you think,

vibrates on and on and never ceases. 

The evil remains only

until it is overcome by good,

but the good remains forever.

- Peace Pilgrim


We live in a changing world,

but we need to be reminded

that the important things

have not changed…

- S Truett Cathy


Don’t just think.

Don’t just talk.

Don’t just dream.

None of that matters.

The only thing that matters

is that you actually do.

So… DO!

- Jocko Willink


Not Man’s Opinion…

But God's Word...

Not my opinions may I speak;

If so, my witness will be weak.

Not what in human books I find,

Or the conclusions of men’s minds,

But what my God had deigned to give,

The teaching whereby we may live;

The book of Heaven, the Sacred Page,

The Rock of faith in every age!

That only must my message be

If I shall bless humanity.

I am not left to seek, forsooth,

In learning’s page to find the Truth,

But here it is beneath my hand

The Word which shall forever stand.

Unalterable, enduring, sure

Flows the Divine Fount fresh and pure.

- William Olney







Thursday, November 23, 2023

112323 Happy Thanksgiving 2023...

“Let us come before Him giving thanks.

Let us make a sound of joy to Him with songs.”

Psalm 95:2


Author Stephen Sumrall tells us about the

first Thanksgiving in America, back in 1621…


“Encouraging as were many of the developments

among the Pilgrims, they experienced much sadness,

but they suffered their way through to Thanksgiving.


Brimming over with gratitude as a result of bountiful

crops in the summer of 1621…

crops that produced more than enough corn to see

them through their second winter in America…

Governor Bradford declared a public day of thanksgiving,

to which the Indians were invited…

Chief Massasoit was a remarkable example of God’s

providential care for His Pilgrims.

The chief and eighty-nine other Indians joined with the

Pilgrims in feasting on venison, wild Turkey,

vegetables from their gardens, and pies.


It was a joyous occasion for all,

as they ate and then competed in games and

merrymaking, and in prayer.

Even though they had endured great hardship,

God had been good to them and they recognized this”


- Stephen Sumrall, Pulpit Helps, November 2002, p. 1



President Reagan once said…


Our nation’s motto… “In God We Trust” …

was not chosen lightly.

It reflects a basic recognition that there is a

divine authority in the universe to which this

nation owes homage.

Throughout our history,

Americans have put their faith in God,

and no one can doubt that we have been

blessed for it.


The earliest settlers of this land came in

search of religious freedom.

Landing on a desolate shoreline,

they established a spiritual foundation

that has served us ever since…

While never willing to bow to a tyrant,

our forefathers were always willing to

get on their knees before God.


When catastrophe threatened,

they turned to God for deliverance.

When the harvest was bountiful,

their first thought was

thanksgiving to God.


- Ronald Reagan

Proclamation on National Day of Prayer

March 19, 1981


Fill All My Vision…


Fill all my vision, Savior, I pray,
Let me see only Jesus today;
Though through the valley Thou leadest me,
Thy fadeless glory encompasseth me.


Fill all my vision, every desire

Keep for Thy glory; my soul inspire
With Thy perfection, Thy holy love,
Flooding my pathway with light from above.

Fill all my vision, let naught of sin
Shadow the brightness shining within.

Let me see only Thy blessed face,
Feasting my soul on Thy infinite grace.


Fill all my vision, Savior divine,
Till with Thy glory my spirit shall shine.
Fill all my vision, that all may see
Thy Holy Image reflected in me.


- Avis Burgeson Christiansen