Friday, April 14, 2023


A sense of humor...

Is needed armor.

Joy in one's heart

And some laughter

On one's lips is a sign

That the person down

Deep has a pretty good

Grasp of life.

Hugh Sidey


You are the only problem

You will ever have and you

Are the only solution.

Change is inevitable,

Personal growth is always

A personal decision.

- Bob Proctor

Realize that true happiness

Lies within you.

Waste no time and effort

Searching for Peace and

Contentment and joy in the

World outside.

Remember that there is

No happiness in having or

In getting but only in giving.

Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug.

Happiness is a perfume you

Cannot pour on others without

Getting a few drops on yourself.

- OG Mandino






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