Saturday, April 08, 2023

040823 quotes in honor of Hank Aaron...

49 years ago tonight 04/08/1974

Hank Aaron from Mobile, Alabama

Hit a home run that gave him the

All time record in M.L.B.

I was an 11 year old boy that night.

I watched the game on TV.

I would never have dreamed that

I would see him later in my life

While Lisa and I attended

Braves games.


In my mind he is still the

Home Run Leader.

Bonds cheated by using

Steroids. He cheated

The game but most of all

Barry Bonds cheated himself.


- Hayden Childs



In playing ball, and in life,

A person occasionally gets

The opportunity to do

Something great.

When that times comes,

Only two things matter…

Being prepared to seize the moment

And having the courage to take

Your best swing.

- Hank Aaron


What you do with your life

And how you do it is not only

A reflection on you,

But on your family and all of

Those institutions that have helped

To make you who you are.

- Hank Aaron


I need to depend on someone who is bigger,

Stronger and wiser than I am.

I don’t do it on my own.

God is my strength.

He gave me a good body and some talent

And the freedom to develop it.

He helps me when things go wrong.

He forgives me when I fall on my face.

He lights the way.

- Hank Aaron


I don’t want people to forget Babe Ruth.

I just want them to remember Henry Aaron.

- Hank Aaron




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