Tuesday, April 04, 2023


He who is not contented

With what he has,

Would not be contented

With what he would like

To have.

- Socrates


You’re not going to always

Hit a home run in life.

You’re going to strike out!

You’re going to walk to the

Dugout of life, frustrated,

While spectators chirp your

Name in judgment.

They’re afraid to even get

On the field, and you know it.

The fact that you get back up there,

Unafraid, going after that next home run,

Makes you the person you are.

- Ron Baratono


We ought to give thanks

For all fortune…

If it is good, because it is good,

If bad, because it works in us patience,

Humility and the contempt of this world

And the hope of our eternal country.

- C.S. Lewis



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