Saturday, April 01, 2023

040123 Alcohol's Disastrous Promise...

“Wine makes people act in a foolish way.

Strong drink starts fights.

Whoever is fooled by it is not wise.

Proverbs 20:1 NLV


Alcohol’s Disastrous Promise…

I have some promises I’ll make to you,

            If you will do what I want you to.

The more that you consume of me,

            The more then will your losses be.

Here are the promises to you I make,

            And I promise, the promises to never break:

I promise to take your money, your home,

            And all you can get in the way of a loan.

I’ll take your character, your reputation, too;

            Your good name, I’ll take from you.

Your friends I’ll take from you one day.

            Your family from you I’ll turn away.

I’ll take your car, I’ll take your wealth

            I’ll take your job, I’ll take your health.

I’ll take your watch, I’ll take your chain,

            I’ll cause you to stay out in the rain.

I’ll take your credit, I’ll take your bail,

I’ll cause you to sleep in a dirty jail.

I’ll cause you regret, remorse, and pain,

            I’ll cause your name to go down in shame.

I’ll bring you misery, I’ll bring you woe,

            I’ll bring you trouble more than you know.

I’ll take your clothes and pawn them too;

            The necessities of life, I’ll take from you.

I’ll take from you days, I’ll take from you years;

            I’ll double the flow of your bitter tears.

I’ll take your heart, give you one of stone;

            I’ll cause you to walk through life alone.

I’ll take you desire to live aright.

            Your light of day, I’ll turn to night.

I’ll cause you to dishonor your mother and dad,

            I’ll take all the pleasure you could have.

I’ll turn your love for your friends too hate,

            Your desire to repent will come too late.

Your road to despair for you I will pave;

            I’ll cause you to fill a premature grave.

I’ll put you in an institution for the insane, and

Normal thinking I’ll not let you gain.

            I’ll cause you to murder your best friend,

I’ll trouble your mind to the very end.

            I’ll bring you contention, I’ll bring you strife;

I’ll finish with you by taking your life!


-       Anonymous

Via Beacon 02/11/2008




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