Thursday, April 27, 2023


Treasure the love you receive above all.

It will survive long after your gold and

Good health has vanished.

- Og Mandino


Work as though you would live forever,

And live as though you would die today.

- Og Mandino


All your problems, discouragements,

And heartaches are, in truth,

Great opportunities in disguise.

- Og Mandino





Wednesday, April 26, 2023


The talent of success

Is nothing more than

Doing what you can do,


- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


The man of wisdom

Is never of two minds;

The man of benevolence

Never worries;

The man of courage

Is never afraid.

- Confucius


Time is more value

Than money.

You can get more


but you cannot get more


- Jim Rohn 




Saturday, April 22, 2023

042223 Earth Day...

“For see, the winter is past.

The rain is over and gone.

The flowers are coming through the ground.

The time for singing has come.

The voice of the turtle-dove has been heard

In our land.”

Song of Solomon 2:11-12 NLV


In Loving Memory of Jeff Cook


Pass It On Down…

We live in the land of plenty
But many things aren't plenty anymore
Like the water from our sink
They say its not safe to drink
You gotta go and buy it at the store
Now we're told there's a hole in the ozone
Look what's washing on the beach
And Lord, I believe, from the heavens to the seas
We're bringing Mother Nature to her knees

So let's leave some blue up above us
Let's leave some green on the ground
It's only ours to borrow, let's save some for tomorrow
Leave it and pass it on down

Well there's a change taking place way on the mountains
Acid rain is falling on the leaves
And down in Brazil, the fires are burning still
How we gonna breathe without them trees

So let's leave some blue up above us
Let's leave some green on the ground
It's only ours to borrow, let's save some for tomorrow
Leave it and pass it on down

There's a place where I live called the Canyon
Where Daddy taught me to swim
And that water, it's so pure
And I'm gonna make sure
Daddy's grandkids can swim there like him

Now we all oughta feel just a little bit guilty
When we look into the eyes of our kids
'Cause brothers it's a fact, if we take and don't put back
They'll have to pay for all we did

So let's leave some blue up above us
Let's leave some green on the ground
It's only ours to borrow, let's save some for tomorrow
Leave it and pass it on down

So let's leave some blue up above us
Let's leave some green on the ground
It's only ours to borrow, let's save some for tomorrow
Leave it and pass it on down

Leave it and pass it on down...



Ronnie Rogers, Will Robinson

Randy Owen & Teddy Gentry


Pass It On Down - Alabama




Friday, April 21, 2023

042123 Hello I'm Hayden Childs...

Hello, I’m Hayden Childs

I am based in Northwest Alabama.

I am an Independent Life Insurance Agent…

That means I work for YOU to find

YOU the best deal in coverage available.

I am thankful to be in an industry that is a 

Blessing to people.

You may be asking yourself …

Hayden why are you an insurance agent?

That one is easy …

I am doing this because I want to be a blessing

To people.

I care about helping people meet their final 

Expense and other insurance needs.


I am a Christian businessman and I conduct my

Business in an ethical and professional manner.


I Believe in Life Insurance …

If you have personal coverage you know what I am

Talking about.

In YOUR time of need YOU don't have to wonder

"Where is the money coming from?"

For YOUR final expenses.

YOU know because YOU made a responsible choice

And purchased life insurance and kept the premiums



Coverage for you and your family would probably be 

Far cheaper than what you would imagine providing

"Peace of mind" for you and your loved ones.


Many times people think...

"I can't get coverage" because of health or other


I represent companies that will provide you coverage!

In Purchasing Life Insurance …

You want coverage that fits YOUR needs.

You want to decide how much coverage you need and

For how long.

What you can afford in your monthly budget.


Keep in mind the major reason you purchase coverage

Is to cover the financial effects of unexpected or 

Untimely death.


Offering …

Whole Life, Term Life, Accidental Death,

Critical Illness (Cancer, Heart Attack,

Stroke) Renter’s (Contents) Insurance

Medicare Advantage, Supplements,

Health, Dental & Vision Insurance



Several highly respected

Insurance Companies


Life changes quickly and priorities shift.

Life insurance can help YOU protect your

Loved ones financially...

Now and for the future.


Get insured today!

If I could be a blessing to you,

Contact me...


Alabama Licensed Agent

Hayden Childs

(205) 269-1382




*Term Life Insurance?

(Enroll from your device)



*Health Insurance?

(Individuals, Small Business, Fraternal)



*Guaranteed Term Life Insurance

for those who have been turned down for

Health or other concerns?

(Available in 46 States)




"The Grief is bad enough,

Don’t leave the burden

To your family!"






Fortify yourself with contentment,

For this is an impregnable fortress.

- Epictetus


Successful people...

Focus on the rewards of success…

Learning from their mistakes and

Thinking about how they can improve

Themselves and their situations.

- John Maxwell


Everything that happens to us

Leaves some trace behind;

Everything contributes imperceptibly

To make us what we are.

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe





Thursday, April 20, 2023


Today is the

Pupil of yesterday

- Publilus Syrus


There is nothing which

Persevering effort and

Unceasing and diligent

Care cannot overcome.

- Seneca


There's a difference between

Interest and commitment.

When you're interested in

Doing something,

You do it only when

It’s convenient.

When you're committed

To something,

You accept no excuses…

Only results.

- Ken Blanchard




Monday, April 17, 2023

041723 "Too Late"

I recently came across an old life insurance

Advertisement… things have not really changed

Much since the early 1900’s.


- Hayden Childs, Agent


“Too Late!”


Sad words those… “Too late” … for they always

Emphasize what might have been and should have

Been but was not… especially in life-insurance.


In March, 1915, a man living in the north east wrote

To a prominent life insurance company for information,

This was promptly forwarded.


As he did not reply, other correspondence was sent

Suggesting that he protect his family with a policy even

A small one. He put it off.


Finally, in October, 1918 the insurance company sent an

Interesting booklet entitled, “How much insurance ought

I to carry?” Then, after more than three years and answer

Came… not from him but from his wife,


She wrote…


“Your letters and your interest in my husband’s insurance

Is appreciated, He died one week ago from pneumonia

Without insurance coverage and leaving two children.”


Like most husbands he doubtless intended to take out

A policy, but like many careless ones, he put it off until

Too late.


It was too late to protect his family after he was dead.

There was a time he could have done it quickly and at

Little cost, but he waited until too late.


As the cost increases with each year’s advance in age,

The time for everyone to insure is now!



Will You Get a Round To It?


I represent several highly respected

Insurance companies.


I can even insure if

You have been turned

Down in the past for

Health or other concerns!



“The Grief is bad enough,

Don’t leave the burden

To Your family!


Hayden Childs, Agent

(205) 269-1382






Friday, April 14, 2023


A sense of humor...

Is needed armor.

Joy in one's heart

And some laughter

On one's lips is a sign

That the person down

Deep has a pretty good

Grasp of life.

Hugh Sidey


You are the only problem

You will ever have and you

Are the only solution.

Change is inevitable,

Personal growth is always

A personal decision.

- Bob Proctor

Realize that true happiness

Lies within you.

Waste no time and effort

Searching for Peace and

Contentment and joy in the

World outside.

Remember that there is

No happiness in having or

In getting but only in giving.

Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug.

Happiness is a perfume you

Cannot pour on others without

Getting a few drops on yourself.

- OG Mandino






Thursday, April 13, 2023

041323 Do We Have a Sin Nature?

Do We Have a Sin Nature?


At the recent men’s national championship basketball game

In Houston, TX the Astronauts who plan to fly back to the

Moon in August 2024 were introduced.


I read an article by Michael Foust on Christian Headlines about

Victor Glover one of the astronauts chosen for this mission.

I was encouraged to learn he is a man of faith and has actively

Expressed that in his work for NASA.


I want to share an excerpt with you from the article.


(Jesus, he said, is the answer to the world’s problems.

“We have a sin nature and we need Jesus,” he said.

“Jesus is that bridge that spans sin and gives us a chance

Of going to heaven.”)

– Victor Glover


I agree with everything he says here but his comment …


“We have a sin nature…


I do not agree with his concept of sin.


Humans are not born in sin.


To say we have a sin nature is the doctrine of Calvinism.


God made man pure and upright in His image in his likeness

He did not make us sinners.



26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according

to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,

over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over [all the earth

and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”


27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God

He created him; male and female He created them.



Truly, this only I have found:
That God made man upright,
But they have sought out many schemes.”



12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world,

And death through sin, and thus death spread to all men,

Because all sinned—


Because of Adam’s disobedience sin and death were the

Consequences and death spread to mankind because we

Chose to disobey and transgress God’s commandments.



23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,


We do not have a sin nature at birth.

We become sinners when we disobey God.


- Hayden Childs









“Dream Big!

There Are No Limitations

To How Good You Can Become

Or How High You Can Rise

Except The Limits

You Put On Yourself.”

- Brian Tracy


“If You Are Not Moving Closer

To What You Want In Sales

(Or In Life),

You Probably Aren’t

Doing Enough Asking.”

- Jack Canfield


“Either You Run The Day

Or The Day Runs You.”

- Jim Rohn 




Wednesday, April 12, 2023

041223 quotes about Life Insurance...

Fun is like life insurance;

the older you get,

the more it costs.

- Kim Hubbard


I don’t call it "Life Insurance,"

I call it "Love Insurance."

We buy it because we want to

leave a legacy for those we love.

- Farshad Asl


If a child, a spouse,

or a parent depends

on you and your income,

you need life insurance.

- Suze Orman


Every month that you send a check

to the life insurance company,

you're making a bet with them.

Don't worry, one day you'll win.

- Nitya Prakash


Hayden Childs, Agent

(205) 269-1382