Monday, February 27, 2023

022723 What Cancer Cannot Do...

What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer Is So Limited

Cancer Cannot…


Cripple love!

Corrode faith!

Eat away peace!

Kill friendship!

Silence courage!

Invade the soul!

Quench the spirit!

Destroy confidence!

Reduce eternal life!

Erase the promises of God!

Obliterate happy memories!

Shatter the hope of Heaven!

Lessen the power of the resurrection!

Keep the faithfully obedient from Heaven!


- Dr. Robert L. Lynn


Cancer can only affect the

Physical body for a time

It may hasten death,

But it is appointed unto man,

Once to die, anyway.


“ It is in the plan that all men die once.

After that, they will stand before God

And be judged.” Hebrews.9:27 NLV


Therefore, if one is prepared

Through faith in Christ,

And obedience to Christ's commands,

We need not fear death!


“Anyone who does not receive

Me and does not receive

My teaching has One

Who will say he is guilty.

The Word that I have spoken

Will say he is guilty on the

Last day.” John 12:48 NLV


- Anonymous

Edited by H.C.


To all walking this road…

Blessings and love.



Cancer took away from me

Two special ladies in my life.

My mother and mother-in-law;

Knowing I will see them again

And knowing they are in a

Better place gives me hope

And comfort.

- Hayden Childs


Go to your closet in secret prayer

And there you will find peace

To your soul.

- D.L. Moody


When it comes to change,

There are three seasons of timing…

People change when they hurt enough

That they have to,

When they learn enough that they want to,

And when they receive enough that they

Are able to.

- John Maxwell


Everyone says that forgiveness

Is a lovely idea until he has

Something to forgive

- C.S. Lewis





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