Tuesday, February 07, 2023

020723 Exciting News...

Have you or someone in your family been turned down

For life insurance coverage due to health condition?


I may have a solution for you!


I am now offering a Guaranteed Life Insurance plan.


Protection Plus Life

Underwritten by Life Shield National Life Insurance Company

Oklahoma City, OK


This is a 5 Year Renewable Term plan.

(Convertible to whole life before age 70)

Up To 50K of Coverage

Ages 18-75 may apply online.

For Direct Consumer Enrollment

No Medical Questions Asked!

You Cannot Be Turned Down!


5 Affordable Plan Options Designed for Any Individuals Budget


Many Additional non-insurance Membership Benefits

(Dental, Vision, Hearing & more) included!



Enroll now…



Reside outside the state of Alabama?

No problem if the company offers the plan.

In your state I can offer you this plan!


Hayden Childs, Agent

(205) 269-1382



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