Saturday, February 25, 2023

022523 quotes and comment...

Love is like the wind,

You can’t see it

But you can feel it.

- Nicholas Sparks


The integrity of ones dignity

Should always be aware of

The approach of ignorance.

- Cecelia Weir


But men never violate

The laws of God without

Suffering the consequences,

Sooner or later.

- Lydia M. Child



Alabama star freshman basketball player

Brandon Miller delivered the gun used in

The fatal shooting of 23-year-old

Jamea Jonae Harris in mid-January in Tuscaloosa,

According to law-enforcement testimony on Tuesday.



U. of A. Basketball Coach Nate Oat made these comments…


“Can’t control everything everybody does outside of practice.

Nobody knew that was going to happen. ...

Brandon hasn’t been in any type of trouble nor is he in any

Type of trouble in this case. Wrong spot at the wrong time."


This is what happens when you give these Athletes

The NIL money some are getting millions of dollars

To play college athletics.


College athletics has been turned into minor leagues

For the professional leagues.


Athletes go to play for the highest bidder (NIL) money.

With this money the athletes procure guns and

Find themselves in sports bars drinking alcoholic

Beverages and getting in disputes

At nearly 2 a.m. in the morning.


I disagree with Coach Oats.

He could have set a ban on his team

Going to the college bar district in Tuscaloosa.

Also he could have set a curfew at an appropriate

Time for his players to be in their dorm rooms.


Nothing good comes from this mix.

Athletes… Bars… Alcohol… Guns…


It resulted in death.


Also I understand it is against

U. of A. policy for firearms

To be on campus.


Where was Darius Miles

Storing his gun?


The University needs to

Investigate all student athletes

And make sure they are not

Storing their weapons on

University property or

More tragedies like this

Are likely to continue.


Hayden Childs




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