Friday, February 03, 2023

020323 T-shirt Offends at the Mall of America...

T-Shirt Offends at Mall of America…


A man of faith on Jan. 7, 2023 wore at the Mall of America,

Bloomington, MN. A t-shirt which stated on the front

‘Jesus Saves’ and on the back that “Jesus is the only way”


He was asked by mall security to remove the shirt because he

Was soliciting and was offending others at the mall with

His religious themed t shirt.


One week prior the man had been

“Issued a 24-hour trespass for soliciting guests.”

His offense… was passing out tracts.


However, the man was eventually allowed to keep his

Shirt on and go about his shopping,

A spokesperson for the mall said.


“There is no way this should happen in U.S.A,”

Twitter user Carol Harper wrote.

“He has a free speech right to wear that shirt,

And a freedom of religion right to practice his

Faith in public places.

More people should wear Christian shirts to that mall.”


Minister Chase Thompson tweeted.

“This wouldn’t have happened anywhere in the U.S.

Until very recently, and it certainly wouldn’t have happened

If he’d had a (LGBT) pride shirt on and even 50 people


Others said they planned to wear Jesus shirts en mass

To the shopping mall as a protest.


I came across this story and shared it with the

Congregation at Barn Creek.

I received my ‘Jesus Saves’ T–shirt in the mail

Yesterday. I plan to wear it a lot.


“He is happy who is not ashamed of Me

 And does not turn away because of Me.”

Matthew 11:6 NLV



Jesus Is Lord…

1 Jesus is Lord, my Redeemer,
How he loves me, how I love Him.
He is risen, He is coming,
Lord, come quickly, Alleluia!

2 Precious is He, He that cometh,
I will love Him, I will serve Him.
When He comes with shouts of glory,
I will join Him, Alleluia!

3 He still loves me, me, the sinner,
What a sorrow if I lost Him.
But He owns me, me, the sinner.
Praise our Jesus! Alleluia!

4 Alleluia, Alleluia,
Alleluia, Alleluia.
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Lord, come quickly, Alleluia!

- Jack Arthur Boyd







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