Thursday, February 23, 2023

022323 The Other Side...

The Other Side…


Close friends and relatives recently gone,

The other side of the “great divide.”

Has caused me to think a lot about,

What is on the other side?


I have read it all in the Great Book,

That is always at my side,

But still I am caused to wonder some,

At what’s on the other side.


As much as humans can know,

I know what awaits us in glory,

And day-by-day I never tire,

Of reading the old, old story.


I have told it time and time again,

Throughout the years what ere be tide,

And tried the very best I could,

To tell what is on the other side.


But after all is said and done,

In Him we must trust and abide,

For He will do what is best for us,

When we reach the other side.


- Ed Smithson





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