Tuesday, February 28, 2023

022823 The 9 Benefits of Whole Life Insurance...

(1) Provide for Loved Ones…


It’s the basic need everyone thinks about. You have a young family.

You are the major breadwinner. Something happens to you. How is

Your family supposed to make ends meet? It’s a form of protection.

Peace of mind.


(2) Key Man Insurance…


You and your partner own a business. It’s grown. Many employees

Depend on you. If something happens to your partner, it’s likely their

Spouse or family will inherit their share of the business. Cash would

Be a lot more useful to them. Life insurance on both partners can

Provide the cash to buy out heirs and keep the business intact.


(3) Emergency Loans…


Hopefully your client lives a long life. The whole life policy accumulates

Cash value, eventually growing to the full face value, or beyond. Many

Policies allow you to borrow money against the cash value.

You would pay interest.


(4) Funding Estate Taxes…


Your client owns a farm. It’s your major asset. It’s illiquid unless you

Sell off acreage. Your goal is to keep the farm intact, passing it to the

Next generation. A life insurance policy, while considered part of your

Estate can produce cash needed to pay estate taxes instead of selling



(5) Cash Value…


If times get tough, you need cash and you’ve run out of options, a

Whole life policy that has built cash value is an asset. You can turn it in

And receive cash, if necessary.


(6) Value as Collateral…


Your client needs to put up collateral for a loan. The lender wants

Financial instruments. In many cases, you can put up the policy and its

Cash value as collateral. You continue making payments on the policy.

The lender collects the death benefit if you die. The client is motivated

To pay back the loan quickly.


(7) Charitable Giving…


You want to do something special for your religious institution or school.

You might name them as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

You might give them the policy as a donation now, taking any tax

Deduction in accordance with the law.


(8) Meeting Obligations…


You are up there in years. You have grandchildren and great grand-

Children. You have promised you will take care of their college 

education expenses, but that’s a long way off. 

Consider naming an adult custodian

And under the rules of the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. 

When the client passes away, the life insurance proceeds are held

for the child’s benefit.


(9) Special Needs Child…


It’s a huge responsibility. You love them dearly. You can care for them

During your lifetime, but what happens when you pass away? This will

Take money. You will likely be setting up a Special Needs Trust to hold

Those funds. Consider naming the trust as your life insurance beneficiary.


Clients and prospects might consider life insurance as a traditional

Product designed for a very narrowly defined need.

Let them know it can help with many other problems.


- Bryce Sanders





Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382







Monday, February 27, 2023

022723 What Cancer Cannot Do...

What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer Is So Limited

Cancer Cannot…


Cripple love!

Corrode faith!

Eat away peace!

Kill friendship!

Silence courage!

Invade the soul!

Quench the spirit!

Destroy confidence!

Reduce eternal life!

Erase the promises of God!

Obliterate happy memories!

Shatter the hope of Heaven!

Lessen the power of the resurrection!

Keep the faithfully obedient from Heaven!


- Dr. Robert L. Lynn


Cancer can only affect the

Physical body for a time

It may hasten death,

But it is appointed unto man,

Once to die, anyway.


“ It is in the plan that all men die once.

After that, they will stand before God

And be judged.” Hebrews.9:27 NLV


Therefore, if one is prepared

Through faith in Christ,

And obedience to Christ's commands,

We need not fear death!


“Anyone who does not receive

Me and does not receive

My teaching has One

Who will say he is guilty.

The Word that I have spoken

Will say he is guilty on the

Last day.” John 12:48 NLV


- Anonymous

Edited by H.C.


To all walking this road…

Blessings and love.



Cancer took away from me

Two special ladies in my life.

My mother and mother-in-law;

Knowing I will see them again

And knowing they are in a

Better place gives me hope

And comfort.

- Hayden Childs




Go to your closet in secret prayer

And there you will find peace

To your soul.

- D.L. Moody


When it comes to change,

There are three seasons of timing…

People change when they hurt enough

That they have to,

When they learn enough that they want to,

And when they receive enough that they

Are able to.

- John Maxwell


Everyone says that forgiveness

Is a lovely idea until he has

Something to forgive

- C.S. Lewis





Saturday, February 25, 2023

022523 quotes and comment...

Love is like the wind,

You can’t see it

But you can feel it.

- Nicholas Sparks


The integrity of ones dignity

Should always be aware of

The approach of ignorance.

- Cecelia Weir


But men never violate

The laws of God without

Suffering the consequences,

Sooner or later.

- Lydia M. Child



Alabama star freshman basketball player

Brandon Miller delivered the gun used in

The fatal shooting of 23-year-old

Jamea Jonae Harris in mid-January in Tuscaloosa,

According to law-enforcement testimony on Tuesday.



U. of A. Basketball Coach Nate Oat made these comments…


“Can’t control everything everybody does outside of practice.

Nobody knew that was going to happen. ...

Brandon hasn’t been in any type of trouble nor is he in any

Type of trouble in this case. Wrong spot at the wrong time."


This is what happens when you give these Athletes

The NIL money some are getting millions of dollars

To play college athletics.


College athletics has been turned into minor leagues

For the professional leagues.


Athletes go to play for the highest bidder (NIL) money.

With this money the athletes procure guns and

Find themselves in sports bars drinking alcoholic

Beverages and getting in disputes

At nearly 2 a.m. in the morning.


I disagree with Coach Oats.

He could have set a ban on his team

Going to the college bar district in Tuscaloosa.

Also he could have set a curfew at an appropriate

Time for his players to be in their dorm rooms.


Nothing good comes from this mix.

Athletes… Bars… Alcohol… Guns…


It resulted in death.


Also I understand it is against

U. of A. policy for firearms

To be on campus.


Where was Darius Miles

Storing his gun?


The University needs to

Investigate all student athletes

And make sure they are not

Storing their weapons on

University property or

More tragedies like this

Are likely to continue.


Hayden Childs






Friday, February 24, 2023

022423 The Paradoxical Commandments...

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot

down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

- Kent M. Keith




Work as though you

Would live forever,

And live as though

You would die today.

Og Mandino


Take the attitude

Of a student …

Never be too big

To ask questions,

Never know too

Much to learn

Something new.

- Og Mandino


Beginning today,

Treat everyone you meet as

If they were going to be

Dead by midnight.

Extend to them all the care,

Kindness and understanding

You can muster,

And do with no thought of

Any reward.

Your life will never be the

Same again.

- Og Mandino





Thursday, February 23, 2023

022323 The Other Side...

The Other Side…


Close friends and relatives recently gone,

The other side of the “great divide.”

Has caused me to think a lot about,

What is on the other side?


I have read it all in the Great Book,

That is always at my side,

But still I am caused to wonder some,

At what’s on the other side.


As much as humans can know,

I know what awaits us in glory,

And day-by-day I never tire,

Of reading the old, old story.


I have told it time and time again,

Throughout the years what ere be tide,

And tried the very best I could,

To tell what is on the other side.


But after all is said and done,

In Him we must trust and abide,

For He will do what is best for us,

When we reach the other side.


- Ed Smithson





Wednesday, February 22, 2023

022223 Got Insurance?

“Don’t live life without it.”




Have YOU been denied life insurance

Coverage due to YOUR health or other



I now have a solution for that problem!


Guaranteed Issue Term Life coverage

For anyone age 18 – 75.


No Medical Questions Asked!

No Exams Needed!

Everyone qualifies and is accepted guaranteed!

This coverage is now available in 34 states.


5 membership based coverage options


That include up to $ 50 K of Term Life Insurance.


$30 K Convertible to whole life before age 70



Protection Plus Memberships also include

Other value-added non-insurance benefits.

(Discount Dental, Vision, Hearing, Prescription

Saving card and much more.


The policies are underwritten by

LifeShield National Insurance Company

Oklahoma City, OK


Apply online and secure Membership

With Guaranteed Issue Life coverage

In minutes!





Hayden Childs

Independent Insurance Agent

(205) 269-1382








Live a little,

You’ll get a little.

Live a lot,

You’ll get a lot.

- Cecelia Weir


Worry never robs tomorrow

Of its sorrow,

It only saps today of its joy.

- Leo Buscaglia


Prejudices of all kinds

Have their strongest holds

In the minds of the vulgar

And the ignorant.

- Lydia M. Child 





Tuesday, February 21, 2023


A negative mind

Spawns only

Negative ideas.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


It’s not what you say

Out of your mouth that

Determines your life,

It’s what you whisper

To yourself that has

The most power.

- Benjamin Disraeli


Limitations live only

In our minds.

But if we use

Our imaginations,

Our possibilities

Become limitless.

- Jamie Paolinetti




Monday, February 20, 2023


It's not what you take when
you leave this world behind

It's what you leave behind

You when you go.
- Randy Travis


Life is full of beauty.

Notice it.
Notice the bumble bee,

The small child,
and the smiling faces.
Smell the rain,

And feel the wind.
Live your life to the

Fullest potential,
and fight for your

- Ashley Smith

What you leave behind

Is not what is engraved

In stone monuments,
but what is woven into

The lives of others.
- Pericles




Saturday, February 18, 2023


The fun of fishing is

catching 'em,

not killing 'em.

= Norman Schwarzkopf


There are always new places to go fishing.

For any fisherman, there's always a new place,

always a new horizon.

- Jack Nicklaus


If your concentration is getting bad,

take up bass fishing.

It will really improve your ability to focus.

If you aren't ready when that fish hits,

you can't set the hook.

- Lee Trevino