Wednesday, July 27, 2022


“I can do all things

Through Christ

Who strengthens me.”



The surest way to happiness

Is to lose yourself in a cause

Greater than yourself.

- Anonymous


A retentive memory is

A good thing,

But the ability to forget

Is the true token of


- Elbert Hubbard


The only way for a football

Team to win is for every guy

To say that his own self is

Secondary that the team is

First. Then you get cohesion.

Then you get unity.

- Dewey Selmon


Teams just beat themselves.

They psyche themselves out…

They don’t think they can win,

So they don’t. They get beat

By doubt.

- Harry Carson


On your tombstone there will be two dates,

The date you were born and the date you died.

That little, insignificant line between those

Two dates – that dash – is your life!

- Eric J. Aronson




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