Saturday, July 02, 2022


 For you, brethren,

Have been called to liberty;

Only do not use liberty as

An opportunity for the flesh,

But through love serve

One another.”



To preserve liberty it

Is essential that the

Whole body of people

Always possess arms

And be taught alike,

Especially when young,

How to use them.

- Richard Henry Lee


Firearms are second

Only to the Constitution

In importance;

They are the peoples'

Liberty’s teeth.

- George Washington


What, Sir, is the use of a militia?

It is to prevent the establishment

Of a standing army, the bane of liberty.

Whenever governments mean to invade

The rights and liberties of the people,

They always attempt to destroy the militia,

In order to raise an army upon their ruins.

- Elbridge Gerry


I want anyone who believes in life,

Liberty, pursuit of happiness to succeed.

And I want any force, any person,

Any element of an overarching

Big Government that would stop

Your success,

I want that organization,

That element or that person to fail.

I want you to succeed.

- Rush Limbaugh




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