Thursday, July 21, 2022


When may a revival be expected?

When the wickedness of the wicked

Grieves and distresses the Christian.

- Billy Sunday


It's the constant and determined

Effort that breaks down all resistance,

Sweeps away all obstacles.

- Claude M. Bristol

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.

Be happy now.

Don’t wait for something outside of

Yourself to make you happy in the future.

Think how really precious is the time you

Have to spend, whether it’s at work or with

Your family.

Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

- Earl Nightingale


All of the great achievers of the past have

Been visionary figures;

They were men and women who projected

Into the future.

They thought of what could be, rather than

What already was,

And then they moved themselves into action,

To bring these things into fruition.

- Bob Proctor


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