Wednesday, July 13, 2022


"My soul clings to the dust;

Revive me according to Your word."

Psalm 119:25


When you die, it does not mean

You lose to cancer.

You beat cancer by how you live,

Why you live and in the manner

In which you live.

- Stuart Scott


Most wealth is inconspicuous.

The man down the street driving

The nice car and living in the mansion

Could easily have greater debt and a

Lower net worth than the stealthy and

Wealthy plumber who drives a beat-up

Truck but seems to work only when he

Doesn’t feel like fishing.

- Loral Langemeier


It is better to wake up

Five hundred Christians than to

Convert five hundred sinners,

For if five hundred Christians

Really wake up,

They will win more than

Five hundred sinners.

- Vance Havner



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