Thursday, July 07, 2022



“Will You not revive us again,
That Your people may rejoice in You?”

Psalm 85:6


I think of life as a good book.

The further you get into it,

The more it begins to make


- Harold S. Kushner

Good people will do good things,

Lots of them,

Because they are good people.

They will do bad things because

They are human.

- Harold S. Kushner


One man alone can't defeat

The forces of evil,

But many good people

Coming together can.

- Harold S. Kushner


Jesus, Help My Eyes to See…


Jesus, help my eyes to see
All the good Thou sendest me.

Jesus, help my ears to hear
Calls for help from far and near.

Jesus, help my feet to go
In the way that Thou wilt show.

Jesus, help my hands to do
All things loving, kind, and true.

Jesus, may I helpful be,
Growing every day like Thee.


- Anonymous







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