Monday, July 11, 2022

071122 quotes on revival...

“Then we will not turn back from You;
Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.”

Psalm 80:18


When is a revival needed?

When carelessness and

Unconcern keep the

People asleep.

- Billy Sunday


A revival does two things.

First, it returns the Church

From her backsliding and second,

It causes the conversion of men

And women; and it always includes

The conviction of sin on the part of

The Church.

What a spell the devil seems to cast

Over the Church today!

- Billy Sunday


A revival may be expected

When Christians have a spirit

Of prayer for a revival.

That is, when they pray as if

Their hearts were set upon it.

When Christians have the spirit

Of prayer for a revival.

When they go about groaning out

Their hearts desire.

When they have real travail of soul.

- Charles Grandison Finney 






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