Friday, July 29, 2022


Is prayer your steering wheel

Or your spare tire?

- Corrie Ten Boom


Life is short,

And it is here to be lived.

- Kate Winslet


Good friends, good books,

And a sleepy conscience…

This is the ideal life.

- Mark Twain


One day you will wake up

And there won’t be any more

Time to do the things you’ve

Always wanted.

Do it now.

- Anonymous




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Thursday, July 28, 2022


Today’s quotes are in honor

Of my father Rex Childs, Sr.

Who is currently battling

Covid at his home in


Get well soon Dad!

- Hayden


A dad is someone who holds

You when you cry,

Scolds you when you break

The rules,

Shines with pride when

You succeed,

And has faith in you even

When you fail.

- Nishan Panwr


It is the way a father holds his child’s

Hand that makes his child feel safe.

It is the way a father looks at his child

Makes his child feel cared for.

But most of all, it is the very presence

Of a father to a child that makes the child

Feel blessed

- Anonymous


My father used to play

With my brother and me

In the yard.
Mother would come out

And say,

"You're tearing up the grass."
"We're not raising grass,"

Dad would reply. 

"We're raising boys."

- Harmon Killebrew



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Wednesday, July 27, 2022


“I can do all things

Through Christ

Who strengthens me.”



The surest way to happiness

Is to lose yourself in a cause

Greater than yourself.

- Anonymous


A retentive memory is

A good thing,

But the ability to forget

Is the true token of


- Elbert Hubbard


The only way for a football

Team to win is for every guy

To say that his own self is

Secondary that the team is

First. Then you get cohesion.

Then you get unity.

- Dewey Selmon


Teams just beat themselves.

They psyche themselves out…

They don’t think they can win,

So they don’t. They get beat

By doubt.

- Harry Carson


On your tombstone there will be two dates,

The date you were born and the date you died.

That little, insignificant line between those

Two dates – that dash – is your life!

- Eric J. Aronson




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Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Only when we live, walk, behave,

And have our being altogether in

Our spirit,

Not in our natural man,

Are we in the kingdom of God and,

In reality, are the kingdom of God.

- Witness Lee


You find yourself refreshed in

The presence of cheerful people.

Why not make an honest effort

To confer that pleasure on others?

Half the battle is gained if you

Never allow yourself to say

Anything gloomy.

- Lydia M. Child


Forgiveness is not a matter of

Exonerating people who have hurt you.

They may not deserve exoneration.

Forgiveness means cleansing your soul

Of the bitterness of ‘what might have been,’

‘What should have been,’

And ‘what didn’t have to happen.’

Someone has defined forgiveness as ‘giving

Up all hope of having had a better past.’

What’s past is past and there is little to be

Gained by dwelling on it.

There are perhaps no sadder people then the

Men and women who have a grievance against

The world because of something that happened

Years ago and have let that memory sour their

View of life ever since.

- Harold S. Kushner

The only opinion about your dream

That really counts are yours.

The negative comments of others

Merely reflect their limitations…

Not yours.

- Cynthia Kersey





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Saturday, July 23, 2022

072322 4 Advantages of Term Life Insurance...

4 Advantages of Term Life Insurance


Here's why term life insurance can be a good fit, particularly for young families

on a budget.

Navigating the ins and outs of all the different types of life insurance can seem

intimidating, especially if you’re buying your first policy. That’s why many shoppers

choose term life insurance. It’s a good fit for most people, particularly young

families on a budget looking for temporary coverage. 


Here are four advantages to term life insurance...


1. Less expensive

On average, life insurance rates are more affordable for term than whole life

insurance because term policies offer coverage for a predetermined time. If you

outlive the term and the policy expires, your beneficiaries don’t receive the 

death benefit, so it’s less of a risk to the insurer. Whole life insurance premiums,

by comparison, are higher because the policies pay out no matter when you die. 

All of the best life insurance companies sell term life.


2. More flexible

You have many options when choosing how long your term life insurance should last.

Typically, you can buy coverage for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years. If you’re the

breadwinner and want a policy to cover your mortgage, a 30-year term might be a

better match. These needs disappear over time, and so might your need for a policy.


3. Good for young families

Because term life covers only a specific period and is generally less expensive than

permanent life insurance (whole life), it’s a great choice for young families looking for

temporary coverage. For example, you can buy a policy to cover the years your family

relies on you financially, and lower your coverage when your children become



4. Simplicity

Term life insurance is easy to understand which makes it simple to shop for and

compare life insurance quotes. As long as you pay the premium, you’re covered 

for the duration of the policy. You need to make only three main decisions...

how much life insurance coverage you need, how long you want the coverage to

last and which insurer you want to do business with.

For many people, term life insurance is a simple, affordable way to safeguard the

financial health of loved ones if something happens to them.


Georgia Rose, Jan 19, 2022


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382


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They tell me a revival

Is only temporary;

So is a bath,

But it does you good.

- Billy Sunday


In the presence of greatness,

Pettiness disappears.

In the absence of a great dream,

Pettiness prevails.

- Robert Fritz

I have always believed,

And I still believe,

That whatever good or bad

Fortune may come our way

We can always give it meaning

And transform it into something

Of value.

- Hermann Hesse

Beginning today,

Treat everyone you meet as if

They were going to be dead by


Extend to them all the care,

Kindness and understanding

You can muster,

And do with no thought of any


Your life will never be the same


- Og Mandino


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Friday, July 22, 2022

072222 The Guy in the Glass…

The Guy in the Glass…


When you get what you want in your struggle for pelf,

And the world makes you King for a day,

Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,

And see what that guy has to say.


For it isn't your Father, or Mother, or Wife,

Who judgment upon you must pass.

The feller whose verdict counts most in your life

Is the guy staring back from the glass.


He's the feller to please, never mind all the rest,

For he's with you clear up to the end,

And you've passed your most dangerous, difficult test

If the guy in the glass is your friend.


You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,

And think you're a wonderful guy,

But the man in the glass says you're only a bum

If you can't look him straight in the eye.


You can fool the whole world down the pathway of years,

And get pats on the back as you pass,

But your final reward will be heartaches and tears

If you've cheated the guy in the glass.


- Dale Wimbrow (c) 1934



Thursday, July 21, 2022

072122 some quotes about life insurance...

A big part of financial freedom

Is having your heart and mind

Free from worry about the

What-ifs of life.

- Suze Orman


I don’t call it "Life Insurance,"

I call it "Love Insurance."

We buy it because we want to

Leave a legacy for those we love.
- Farshad Asl


If a child, a spouse, or a parent

Depends on you and your income,

You need life insurance.
- Suze Orman


You don’t buy life insurance
because you are going to die,
but because those you love
are going to live.
- Anonymous


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When may a revival be expected?

When the wickedness of the wicked

Grieves and distresses the Christian.

- Billy Sunday


It's the constant and determined

Effort that breaks down all resistance,

Sweeps away all obstacles.

- Claude M. Bristol

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life.

Be happy now.

Don’t wait for something outside of

Yourself to make you happy in the future.

Think how really precious is the time you

Have to spend, whether it’s at work or with

Your family.

Every minute should be enjoyed and savored.

- Earl Nightingale


All of the great achievers of the past have

Been visionary figures;

They were men and women who projected

Into the future.

They thought of what could be, rather than

What already was,

And then they moved themselves into action,

To bring these things into fruition.

- Bob Proctor


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Wednesday, July 20, 2022


“There is need of a great revival of spiritual life,

Of true fervent devotion to our Lord Jesus,

Of entire consecration to His service.

It is only in a Church in which this spirit of revival

Has at least begun, that there is any hope of any very

Radical change in the relation of the majority of our

Christian people to mission work.”
- Andrew Murray,


A leader leads through inspiration.

People like to work with people

Going places and are starved for

The energy and excitement that

Business was always meant to have.

- Loral Langemeier


There are no secrets to success…

Don’t waste time looking for them.

Success is the result of perfection,

Hard work, learning from failure,

Loyalty to those for whom you work,

And persistence.

- Colin Powell

To the dull mind all nature is leaden.

To the illumined mind the whole world

Burns and sparkles with light.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson



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Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Every strike brings me

Closer to the next home


- Babe Ruth


My motto was always

To keep swinging.

Whether I was in a slump

Or feeling badly or having

Trouble off the field,

The only thing to do

Was keep swinging.

- Hank Aaron


I don’t rate them,

I just hit them.

- Willie Mays


Fenway is the

Essence of baseball.

- Tom Seaver


It ain’t over

’til it’s over.

- Yogi Berra


We (Atlanta Braves) hit every bump

We could possibly hit this year (2021)

And somehow the car still made it to

The other side,

We’ve been the best team since the

Trade Deadline and we played like it

All the way into the postseason.

We just got hot, and we just carried it over.

Said Braves first baseman Freddie Freeman,

Who homered and drove in two runs in Game 6.

It’s just an incredible group.


He Saw The Play…


Those who read baseball history would remember

The name of Christy Mathewson.

He was a pitcher for the New York Giants.

He won the first game that he pitched for them.

Then he pitched many times and was quite a champion.


In 1908 the New York Giants were playing the

Chicago Cubs for the championship of the year.

It was the last half of the ninth inning and the score

Was tied with two men out. A man was on first base

(Fred Merkle) Awaiting the hit. The hit came and they

Were away. The runner from first base crossed the home

Plate for the winning run.


Immediately, however, the run was challenged by Chicago.

They claimed that the man (Fred Merkle) running from first

Base had not touched second base. The teams were in a hot

Dispute. President Harry Pulliam of the National League was

Called In and he said, “Where's Christy Mathewson?”


Christy was called and was asked to state what he saw.

Knowing that the meaning of the decision, the losing of the

Championship for the members of his team, and the extra

Money that goes along with the championship to the winners,

Christy replied, “Merkel cut second base.”

Christy and his team lost the championship,

But baseball won something far more important than a



Honesty is a lost quality in the world today.


(The 1908 Cubs were involved in the famous "Merkle's Boner"

Incident, in which Fred Merkle, the Giants' base-runner on

1st base, failed to touch 2nd after the Giants' hitter had singled

home the winning run from 3rd. Johnny Evers retrieved the

ball from the crowd (which had flooded the field) and got an ump

to call Merkle out at 2nd. Merkle's mental lapse ended up costing

The Giants the pennant.)



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