This is what God wants you
to do because of Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:18
The God of Harvest Praise…
The God of harvest praise.
In loud thanksgiving raise
Heart, hand and voice.
The valleys smile and sing,
Forests and mountains sing,
The plains their tribute bring,
The streams rejoice.
The God of harvest praise.
Hearts, hands and voices raise
With sweet accord.
From field to garner throng,
Bearing your sheaves along,
And in your harvest song
Bless ye the Lord.
- James Montgomery
A Note from Hayden…
I can personally relate to the next story
“Will The King See You?”
When President Reagan was running for his
Second term he came to Columbus, GA to the
civic center to speak.
Lisa and I at that time were working with
the small mission church at Buena Vista.
One of the brothers there went with me to
Columbus to try to get a glimpse of the
We were standing on a curbside on the side
Of a street along with many others as that
Big Black Lincoln came cruising by with
Flags just waving in the wind.
I don’t know if the President saw us or not,
but we saw that Presidential Limousine in
all its splendor and glory that beautiful day.
A sight I will never forget.
- Hayden Childs
Will the King See You?
One day when King Edward visited Norwich 11,000
school children sang “God Save the King.”
After he had passed a little girl was weeping.
“Did you not see the king, dear?”
asked the teacher.
“Yes, but the king did not see me,”
sobbed the mite.
When the King of kings comes “every eye shall
see Him” (Revelation 1:7), but will He see you
“Arrayed in white” (Revelation 7:13).
- Henry Pickering
What Do You Take To?
Joseph Haydn, the great musical composer,
was once talking with two of his friends
about sorrow and depression, and one said,
“When I feel down, when I feel gloomy,
I take to my wine; that cheers me up.”
The other said, “When I am gloomy and sad,
I take to my music and go and hear music.”
Hadyn said, “When I am gloomy and sad,
I take to praying,
I go apart and have a season with God,
and that gives me good cheer.”
“Is any merry? let him sing” (James 5:13).
“In everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving” (Philippians 4:6).
- Henry Pickering
Think and thank…
Sir Moses Montefiore, the Hebrew philanthropist,
had as the motto of his family,
“Think and Thank.”
In the old Anglo-Saxon language thankfulness
meant think-fullness.
Thinking of all God’s goodness draws forth
“Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all His benefits”
(Psalm 103:2).
Henry Pickering
Editor: H.C.
Try a Little Kindness
- Glen Campbell
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