Saturday, November 09, 2024

110924 Post...

The willingness of America’s

Veterans to sacrifice for our

Country has earned them our

Lasting gratitude.

- Jeff Miller


The veterans of our military

Services have put their lives

On the line to protect the

Freedoms that we enjoy.

They have dedicated their

Lives to their Country and

Deserve to be recognized

For their commitment.

- Judd Gregg


Because all of us believe

and understand in the fabric

Of the common bond of why

We call ourselves Americans

Is to care for the men and

Women who wear the uniform;

And when they take off the

Uniform, we care for them

when they are veterans.

- Steve Buyer


One way to remember

Who you are is to

Remember who your

Heroes are.

Walter Isaacson




Veterans Day Prayer

God of peace,

We pray for those who

have served our nation

And have laid down their lives

To protect and defend our freedom.


We pray for those who have fought,

Whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war,

Whose nights are haunted by memories

Too painful for the light of day.


We pray for those who serve us now

Especially for those in harm’s way.

Shield them from danger

And bring them home.


Turn the hearts and minds

Of our leaders and our enemies

To the work of justice and a harvest of peace.

Spare the poor, Lord, spare the poor!


May the peace you left us,

The peace you gave us,

Be the peace that sustains us

Be the peace that saves us.

Christ Jesus, hear us!

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!



- Concord Pastor


Via Natural Bridge Church of Christ




For Long as There Is Time…

There Is Hope


I feel for the hopeless for

they have lost faith.

One cannot believe in God

and lose hope.

Hope is in the air we breathe.

Hope is in the sun that shines

Hope is in the ticking clock

and the changing of the times

Hope is in your yesterday

and carried through tomorrow

for without the thought of hope

in life,

our days will fill with sorrow.

Hope is in the birthing song

of mother and her son

T’was woven in the moment

when two created one.

Hope is found in darkness,

in the stillness of the night

and lingers there for all to see

if blinded by the light.

You may think hope-less when

you are beaten down.

But you cannot hide from hope;

my friend,

cause hope is all around.

Hope is not a feeling,

Hope is not a thing

Hope is a gift you get,

in counsel with the King.

When your days are filled

with love, hope and joy…

my many prayers will be


- Bob Perks




Jesus Only, Let Me See


For salvation full and free,

Purchased once on Calvary,

Christ alone shall be my plea…

Jesus! Jesus only.


He my Guide from day to day,

As I journey on life’s way;

Close beside Him let me stay…

Jesus! Jesus only.


May my model ever be

Christ the Lord, and

None save He,

That the world may see in me

Jesus! Jesus only.


He reigns from shore to shore,

His the glory evermore…

Heav’n and earth shall bow before

Jesus! Jesus only.




Jesus only, let me see,

Jesus only, none save He,

Then my song shall ever be…

Jesus! Jesus only!


Lyrics: Oswald Jeffrey Smith

Music: Daniel Brink Towner


Edited by H.C.





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