Thursday, November 07, 2024


From the Nov. 7th Archives...

“I will lift up my eyes to the


From whence comes my help?

My help comes from the


Who made heaven and earth.”

Psalm 121:1-2


Be happy for this moment.

This moment is your life.

- Omar Khayyam


Thanksgiving Day is a jewel,

To set in the hearts of

honest men.

But be careful that you

do not take the day,

and leave out the gratitude.

- E. P. Powell


Three things you cannot

Recover in life…

The WORD after it’s said,

The MOMENT after it’s missed

And the TIME after it’s gone.

- Ziad K. Abdelnour


Let each citizen remember

at the moment

He is offering his vote...

That he is executing one of

the most solemn trusts in

human society for which he

is accountable to God and

his country.

- Samuel Adams


I always have a message.  

And I want to get the

message to our fans and

I want to get our message

to our players.

- Coach Nick Saban


Willpower is the outgrowth

of definiteness of purpose

Expressed through persistent

action, based on personal


- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Dreams do not come true just

because you dream them.

It’s hard work that makes

things happen.

It’s hard work that creates


Ditch the dream and be a doer,

not a dreamer.

Maybe you know exactly what

it is you dream of being,

Or maybe you’re paralyzed

because you have no idea

What your passion is.

The truth is it doesn’t matter.

You don’t have to know.

You just must keep moving


You just must keep doing


seizing the next opportunity,

staying open to trying

something new.

It doesn’t have to fit your

vision of the perfect job or

The perfect life.

Perfect is boring and dreams

are not real.

Just… do.

- Shonda Rimes


Life is one-tenth

here and now,

Nine-tenths a

history lesson.

For most of the time,

The here and now is

Neither now nor here.

- Robert Scheinfeld


It's not whether you

get knocked down,

It’s whether you get


- Coach Vince Lombardi


Everything we do should

Be a result of our gratitude

for what God has done for us.

- Lauryn Hill

Gratitude is the sign

of noble souls.

- Aesop


It is the duty of all Nations

to acknowledge the Providence

of Almighty God, to obey His will,

To be grateful for His benefits,

and humbly to implore His

protection and favors.

- George Washington


I do, therefore,

invite my fellow citizens…

To set apart and observe the

last Thursday of November next,

as a day of Thanksgiving

And Praise to our beneficent

Father who dwelleth in the


- Abraham Lincoln


Who does not thank for

Little will not thank for


- Estonian Proverb


Gratitude is a quality

Like electricity…

It must be produced

And discharged and

Used up to

Exist at all.

- William Faulkner


True happiness is to enjoy

the present,

Without anxious dependence

upon the future,

not to amuse ourselves with

Either hopes or put to rest

satisfied with what we have,

which is sufficient,

For he that is so wants nothing.

The greatest blessings of

mankind are within us and

within our reach.

A man is content with his lot,

Whatever it may be,

without wishing for

What he has not.

- Seneca


Edited by H.C.



This Song is

Dedicated to all of my

Co-workers at NAL

Muscle Shoals, AL


That is what we do…


We Keep Pushin’ On…


And one more thing…








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