Monday, August 26, 2024

082624 Foreign Policy Failure...

Foreign Policy Failure…

The Biden-Harris administration failed

In foreign policy 3 years ago today.


They chaotically pulled out of

Afghanistan and left behind

Americans and billions worth of

American war machinery.


It was a slap in the face and

Disgrace to every American

Soldier who went to that land…


It cost 13 American servicemen and

Many more people their lives and yet

in his debate with President Trump

Biden had the audacity to say that…

“No American Servicemen had died on

His watch.”


Kamala Harris has no foreign policy

Experience and this failure

In Afghanistan shows us what kind

Of leader she would be…




- Hayden Childs




Taliban stages military parade with weapons

Biden-Harris admin left behind during botched

Afghanistan withdrawal




On Wednesday, 08/14/24 Taliban members paraded around

a former American air base with abandoned American vehicles

and weapons in observance of the third anniversary of the

disastrous American pullout from Afghanistan.


The Biden administration left behind billions of dollars in

US military supplies while 13 US servicemembers were killed

by a suicide bomber.


The Taliban flag was flown by a motorcycle formation and

uniformed soldiers marched with light and heavy machine

guns in commemoration of the takeover.


Kabul's streets were covered with pickup trucks that were

packed with militant males of all ages.


According to Fox News, Taliban Cabinet members celebrated

accomplishments like fortifying Islamic law and putting in

place a military apparatus that purportedly offered

"peace and security."


Speaking to a global audience, the Taliban urged the West to

communicate and work with the nation's leaders.


As of right now, no nation acknowledges the Taliban as the

official government of Afghanistan.


"The Islamic Emirate eliminated internal differences and

expanded the scope of unity and cooperation in the country.

No one will be allowed to interfere in internal affairs,

and Afghan soil will not be used against any country,"

said Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir on Wednesday.


America's fight to overthrow the Taliban and find the

al-Qaeda members accountable for the 9/11 attacks was centered

around Bagram Airfield.


US Army Veteran Bill Roggio told Fox News…

 "This is the Taliban rubbing their victory over us in our face,"

adding that, "The Biden administration's effort to get out of

Afghanistan quickly has led to the Taliban having an

American-supplied arsenal."

Suicide bombers killed 183 people,

including 13 US service members, during a mass evacuation

at Kabul airport on August 26, 2021.


The United States replied by unleashing two drone strikes on

suspects of ISIS-K terrorists, one of which killed ten Afghan civilians,

including seven children.


The failures of the withdrawal from Afghanistan have been placed

on the Biden administration which experts have described as

significant incompetence.



Trump lays wreath to honor Abbey Gate

victims while Biden stays out of sight


Former President Donald Trump marked the anniversary

of the United States’s withdrawal from Afghanistan on

Monday by laying wreathes at Arlington National Cemetery

to honor the soldiers whose lives were lost three years ago.

House Republicans have used the date, on which 13 service

members were killed in a suicide bombing in 2021 at the

airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, to criticize President Joe

Biden for the chaotic evacuation but also honor the

soldiers and their families.


House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) announced on Monday

that the 13 service members killed in the Abbey Gate

bombing will posthumously receive the

Congressional Gold Medal on Sept. 10 in a ceremony at

the Capitol.


Trump’s trip to the cemetery came shortly after he

criticized the withdrawal as “the most EMBARRASSING

moment in the history of our Country” in a post on

Truth Social.


He has traditionally used the events to criticize Biden as

a weak leader on the international stage, but he has shifted

to placing blame on Vice President Kamala Harris,

his new opponent in the 2024 race.


“She bragged that she would be the last person in

the room, and she was. She was the last person in

the room with Biden when the two of them decided

to pull the troops out of Afghanistan,”


Trump said last week at a rally in North Carolina.


“She had the final vote. She had the final say,

and she was all for it.”


Originally, the Trump administration set a deadline of

May 2021 to pull all troops out of Afghanistan,

but Biden delayed the deadline to Sept. 11, 2021.


By mid-August, the operation was expedited, and the Taliban

took over control of the government.


The suicide bombing, which also killed over 170 Afghan

citizens, occurred on Aug. 26 that year.


Biden, Harris, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin do not

have any public events listed to mark the third anniversary,

but all three released statements Monday morning.

Biden is in Delaware, and Harris is in Washington.


“These 13 Americans… and the many more that were

wounded… were patriots in the highest sense,”

Biden said in a statement.


“Some were born the year the war in Afghanistan started.

Some were on their second or third tour.

But all raised their hand to serve a cause greater than

themselves… risking their own safety for the safety of

their fellow Americans, Allies, and Afghan partners.”


“They embodied the very best of who we are as a nation…

brave, committed, selfless,” the president continued.

“And we owe them and their families a sacred debt we will

never be able to fully repay, but will never cease working

to fulfill.”


House Republicans on the Foreign Affairs Committee have

continued their investigation into the Afghanistan withdrawal,

most recently interviewing former White House press

secretary Jen Psaki.


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