Saturday, August 03, 2024

080324 Saturday Devotional Plus...

If Your Marriage Is Failing…


Unfortunately, there are several people in my personal life

who have recently divorced or are strongly considering

the idea.


This is a devastating epidemic in our country that leaves

negative consequences affecting multiple generations.


What is always humbling is that even the healthiest

of marriages are only one wrong decision away from a

lifetime of regret.


David Jeremiah recently said “The church has done an

excellent job putting ambulances at the bottom of a cliff.


What we must start doing is putting barriers at the top

of the cliff.”


I recently had an enlightening conversation on what you

actually, base a marriage on.


Here is what I told the person you do

NOT base a marriage on…


Trust… Every healthy marriage has trust.

You just can’t base the marriage on it.

Love… Every healthy marriage has love.

You just can’t base the marriage on it.

Common Interests…

Every healthy marriage has things in common.

You just can’t base the marriage on it.


Every healthy marriage has attraction.

You just can’t base the marriage on it.


Every healthy marriage has companionship.

You just can’t base the marriage on it.


Every healthy marriage must have financial resources.

You just can’t base the marriage on it.


Children are obviously important.

You just can’t base the marriage on them.


Once he picked himself up off the floor we

Addressed the appropriate follow-up question.


So, if you can’t base a marriage on

Trust, Love, Common Interests, Attraction,

Companionship, Money, or the Children,


What do you base a marriage on?


A Healthy Marriage Is Based Upon a Person.


A healthy marriage is based on Jesus Christ.


Marriage was instituted by God and is a picture of the

relationship He has with his bride, the church.

See (Ephesians 5:21-33).


A Healthy Marriage Based Upon a Person has these



A reliable foundation that does not change.

A manual called the Bible that teaches you how a

marriage works.

A model of sacrificial love.

A model of commitment.

A healthy way to resolve conflict.

A reliable counselor who brings reconciliation.

A financial coach who helps you avoid the pressure of


A generous benefactor who gives you perfect gifts and

meets all your needs.

A friend who sticks closer than a brother.


You understand the value of purity.


The most important leadership roles I have is that of

husband and father.


The reason is because each day I set precedent and

Send my family forward to a time we cannot see.


Tell me your thoughts on what you think a marriage

should be based on.


- Brian Dodd

Edited by H.C.




“If freedom of speech is taken away,

then dumb and silent we may be led,

like sheep to the slaughter.”

- George Washington


“One flag, one land, one heart, one hand,

one nation, evermore!”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes


“All the great things are simple, and many

can be expressed in a single word…

freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.”

- Winston Churchill


The Christian religion is, above all the religions

that ever prevailed or existed in ancient or

modern times, the religion of wisdom,

virtue, equity and humanity.

John Adams


“We will make America Strong again.

We will make America Safe again.

And we will make America Great again,

Greater than ever before.”

- Donald John Trump




President Trump unlike many politicians

Followed through on his promises

To the American people.


He made us Strong again.

He made us Safe again.

He made America Great again.


He is pro-life. He is pro-business.


He will do all he can to stop illegal aliens

From entering our beloved Country.


God is not through with Donald John Trump

He spared his life on July 13th, 2024.


He is not a perfect man, he has his flaws

Like all of us.


He loves this country and wants what is

Best for it.


I am proud to support him for the

Office of President of the United States of America.

- Hayden Childs


God Bless The U.S.A. – Lee Greenwood




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